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  1. Hoshi3Kara

    Fantasy Sky Pirates RP

    Thorn sighs as she weaves through the men, ignoring every hand and lingering gaze. Eventually the majority of the crew file out to return to either their jobs or their hammocks. In the few weeks she'd been on this ship she's learned that all the crew members just seem to get drunk, work, sleep...
  2. Hoshi3Kara

    Fantasy Sky Pirates RP

    Thorn glances at the hooded figure and the oddly dressed man. 'Yeah, oddly dressed. Says the girl who never even saw clothes before a few weeks ago,' She thinks to herslf with a small chuckle before turning towards the kitchen. Begrudgingly she drags herself back to the mess hall and the way too...
  3. Hoshi3Kara

    Fantasy Sky Pirates RP

    Thorn, unwilling to give in to this nymph girl - no matter how much she reminds her, or seems to be, Ash. She notices the girls hands fall to her swords and, despite knowing a lost cause when she sees one, sticks her tongue out at Moon. "Just because you are older than me doesn't mean you get...
  4. Hoshi3Kara

    Fantasy Sky Pirates RP

    Thorn lands with a thud, and gasps as her eyes shoot open. She has to fight the impulse to scream. She pushes herself of the ground and quickly glares at Ash -Moon. She mentally corrects herself as she takes a swift glance down at the girls bracelet with softening eyes before returning to her...
  5. Hoshi3Kara

    Fantasy Sky Pirates RP

    Fire dances in Thorns wide eyes, an essential part of life that she'd known to take small areas of the forest when humans were involved or when lightning struck sometimes. This fire was vile, it ate and ate and ate up the forest. Her home burned before her eyes and the screams of her family...
  6. Hoshi3Kara

    Fantasy Sky Pirates RP

    Thorn enters the cabin she'd been sharing with many of the crew since her arrival on this dreadful, nauseating, ship. Her feet are sore, her chest heaving at the effort of gaining air in her corset, and her all too tight pants are sticking to her legs. Her entire being radiates frustration and...
  7. Hoshi3Kara

    Fantasy Sky Pirates RP

    Thorn: Nymph - Nature Female 20 years Medium Height Hair: Original Hair (Before Tragedy) Green Eyes Hair color changes with the season Summer = Deep Red Fall = Brown W/ Orange Highlights Winter = Black W/ Silver/Gray Highlights Spring = Pink - Purple Gradiant Bio ...
  8. Hoshi3Kara

    Gijinka academy

    Username: Hoshi3Kara Orientation: Declared Bi, but by due curiosity/unknown Name: Kusa Kodomo age: 17 Gender: Male Gijinka you are: Furret Appearance: Personality: Kusa is very friendly and happy most of the time, and will be loyal to his friends no matter what. Kusa is actually...
  9. Hoshi3Kara

    Hi, Im new and was recommended to join. I'm not the best but I'll do the best I can!

    Hi, Im new and was recommended to join. I'm not the best but I'll do the best I can!