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  1. Citadel

    DB game: Glorious Bastards

    Missing an Earth aspect then? Would an overzealous Immaculate Monk be acceptable? Thinking that he was pursuing an Anathema, wanting the glory and fame of slaying one himelf so bad that he utlized less than honorable methods. Laying waste to villages and the lands of some Dyansts when they...
  2. Citadel

    No, this isn't a joke (GSP)

    I would be interested in picking up the Scourge mantle if no one else is chomping at the bit for the chance.
  3. Citadel


    I find myself leaning toward a Zenith caste with the ideas being presented.
  4. Citadel

    Chronicles of the Thousand Fists - New Game

    How would I go about reading this Chronicle and see if I might be able to fit into its confines?
  5. Citadel

    Interest check in multiple games

    While I am new, I will go ahead and say that Black Ops and Shogun do sound very interesting to play.
  6. Citadel


    Eeerr...I'd like to give a shout out to my ...nevermind. Hi everyone.