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  1. Spencer

    Holy crap this thread is drowning in random NPCs

    Holy crap this thread is drowning in random NPCs
  2. Spencer

    Broken Ground

    "Hey hold on," Collin said, pointing a finger at the quiet girl with the package. "Are you from Middle Ground? I recognize your face." Suddenly he snapped his fingers. "oh! you were at that fight earlier. Near the surface entrance." He turned back to Eli. "What exactly is going on here? Whose...
  3. Spencer

    Broken Ground

    Collin heard a ruckus above him, but continued to wait for a few seconds. "Huh," he said aloud. "I guess I'm coming up," he called upwards. He began to climb the ropes, jumping from one loop to the next. It was a slight struggle, but he finally made it to the top. He stepped on to the second...
  4. Spencer

    Broken Ground

    "Not 'disappointed' exactly," Collin said, following Eliza. "But it will be harder to get through middle ground the bigger our group is." He took another huff from the gas mask, and looked up to see that the two of them were headed towards a huge ruined skyscraper. He'd never seen anything so...
  5. Spencer

    Broken Ground

    "You mean like the fairy tales?" Collin asked, picking Eliza's gas mask up and handing it to her. "I've heard of them yes. Believing in them is whole different story. I do know of some cave ins that the brilliant minds of Middle Ground neglected to explore or repair. I wouldn't be surprised of...
  6. Spencer

    Broken Ground

    Collin couldn't help but chuckle. "Very true," he said with a sigh. "But have you seen the world lately? The whole thing is broken." He turned away from his brother's body. "We should leave," he said. "Dad sent out Kenan for me, but he'll send out a whole search party for him. I don't wanna be...
  7. Spencer

    Welcome to the Asylum

    After days of being with Charlotte, Clyde was beginning to feel......he wasn't sure how to describe it...... Safe? He would wake every morning to her hold on him. At first if panicked him, not being able to move. But he soon realized that she want holding him with malice. She kept him under...
  8. Spencer

    Broken Ground

    The light left Kenan's eyes immediately. Collin stared at the blood, at his brothers body, and finally at Eliza's face. He could tell she was hiding shock. His eyes traveled back to his brother, the man who had tormented every day. The man who had helped kill every person Collin had ever...
  9. Spencer

    Broken Ground

    Kenan was pinned, the whites of his eyes flashing as Eliza stood over him, knife in hand. "Do it! Just try!" He spat, starting to wrestle from the shives. They were deep in the ground, and even for him it was a struggle. "Collin won't let you," he said, looking to his brother. Collin looked at...
  10. Spencer

    Broken Ground

    Kenan's head snapped forward,a spurt of blood coming instantly to his nose. He didn't even pause to wipe it away before turning and grabbing Eliza's arm and throwing her to the ground as hard as he could. His super human strength backed him. Collin had gotten up, and as soon as he saw what was...
  11. Spencer

    Broken Ground

    Kenan spun around, throwing Collin to the ground in the process. "What the-" he spat. His eyes widened at the sight of Eliza. "A girl? This is what you were hiding Collin?" He smirked maliciously. Collin immediately stood between the two of them. "Don't touch her Kenan," Collin spat. He turned...
  12. Spencer

    Welcome to the Asylum

    When Marcus heard the click of the door, he was ready to attack. He poised himself for a slam, but just as he was about to launch himself forward, he felt his muscles tighten. He couldn't move. He tried to struggle, but none of his limbs would respond. And then suddenly, they were moving, but...
  13. Spencer

    Broken Ground

    ...on," Kenan said. "You just....." His eyes flashed, and suddenly he gripped Collins collar tighter and lifted him off the ground. "You little sh*t! YOU USED YOUR DAMN POWER DIDN'T YOU?!" Collin didn't get a chance to reply. Kenan threw him against a wall. "You know, dad sent me up here to see...
  14. Spencer

    Broken Ground

    She held out her gas mask to him, and for a second he was wary to take it. But his lungs itched for fresh air, so he grabbed it from her and took three long swallow. Gas masks were getting more and more valuable now a days. "Thanks," Collin said, handing it back to her. "That's the first time...
  15. Spencer

    Broken Ground

    Eliza. Not the name he was expecting, but still nice. "Uh, I didn't know there were many people still living up here. Are you all alone?" He knew he was being stupid. It wasn't smart for him to be talking to anyone, let alone someone above ground. What was he expecting? That they'd sit down in...
  16. Spencer

    Broken Ground

    Collin saw her relax, and for some reason he felt his own pulse quicken. She was listening to him. Really listening! And he wasn't even using his power on her. "You'd be surprised," Collin said with a coy smile. "A knife to the throat is like a handshake where I'm from." He stepped toward her...
  17. Spencer

    Broken Ground

    The girl let go of Collin's shirt and muttered some sort of apology. She turned to leave. "Hey, hold on!" Collin said despite his better judgement. "I-I'm sorry I'm not who you're looking for....but just because we don't know each other doesn't mean we can't GET to know each other...." Collin...
  18. Spencer

    Broken Ground

    After the girl took off her mask, It was obvious. It was the girl. The girl Collin had known his whole life. But of course she didn't know him. Immediately, his brain caught up to his mouth. " strong. For a girl, I mean. As for knowing me, I couldn't tell you." He shrugged, doing his...
  19. Spencer

    Broken Ground

    Almost immediately after he whispered, Collin was grabbed and thrown against a wall. He smacked his head, hard, and his vision became dazed. He heard his attacker speaking, but they sounded like they were miles away. "I'm a nobody," he said lamely. "Shit is that a knife?" As his vision came...
  20. Spencer

    Welcome to the Asylum

    Clyde had been waiting for hours. There were no clocks in his room, but The Others didn't let him ignore time as it passed. He was beginning to lose himself. Still, no leaders arrived. He was alone, like always. The leaders had better things to do than worry about him. He was broken. He was...