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  1. Morrigan.4810

    Multiple Settings You've never seen this store before. You have the time... right?

    Haha, thank you for your interest you guys. Please direct a convo my way regarding your interests and we’ll see if we can’t get something started. Thank you again!
  2. Morrigan.4810

    Multiple Settings You've never seen this store before. You have the time... right?

    As you press open the door with its patterned glass window and hear a soft, cheery bell echo within the depth of the store. To the left and right bookshelves loom upwards to the ceiling, filled with heavy-looking tomes bound in a curious assortment of leathers and cloth. The windows, you could...
  3. Morrigan.4810


    I’m a long time rp’er. I usually have long term rp partners and as my current partner is in premed AND working a full time job (Hi R!) I’ve been without rp for a couple of months. What do people even write here? I like one on one rp, I like a bunch of different fandoms and worlds and even...