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  1. W

    Advice/Help How do I improve my writing?

    ...communication devices? If so, don't you think they're watching that location? This is a genre of exploration. If you aren't sure about a scene, *ask*. I always tell my players to ask me, *especially* if they're playing an unfamiliar archetype. Your GM should be willing to give you exhaustive...
  2. W

    Realistic or Modern Mwhahahaha! Echo had decided for Superhero stuff again!

    Hmm...looking over the rules of the alliance, the character I had in mind would certainly get herself banished within an hour of acceptance. know the drill. I may have to rethink things before committing.
  3. W

    Realistic or Modern Mwhahahaha! Echo had decided for Superhero stuff again!

    I appear to have missed the bus on that Discord invite.
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    Realistic or Modern Mwhahahaha! Echo had decided for Superhero stuff again!

    Is it too early to call dibs on the techie? ^_^
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    Realistic or Modern Mwhahahaha! Echo had decided for Superhero stuff again!

    Never had a necromancer outside of Diablo II; never much cared for the concept.
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    Realistic or Modern Mwhahahaha! Echo had decided for Superhero stuff again!

    Is this a bad time to express interest? I would like to know more about the setting, though; details such as general tech level, approximate year, how far power levels are expected to go, etc, etc. Plot related stuff can remain secret; I just want to know where the lines are for CS submission.
  7. W

    Deal Breakers. What makes you "walk" away?

    I hear you on the high-school roleplays. You get enough of that in Anime as is. Furry...well, there's a difference between "furry" and Darwin-esque animal evolution. I think we all know what that difference is. >_> Anime canon...ItDepends(TM). I've come to the understanding that Anime is like...
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    Deal Breakers. What makes you "walk" away?

    I see you have also roleplayed on AOL. >_>
  9. W

    Deal Breakers. What makes you "walk" away?

    Precisely. If your character is powerful, show that power in their actions. Sadistic? Don't tell me, be sadistic. I encounter this problem a lot in tabletop, where the player(s) end up saying "Uh, my character, um...tells the NPC that he wants a beer." Well...that's all well and good...
  10. W

    Deal Breakers. What makes you "walk" away?

    I sense that I'm probably stepping into a minefield of trigger topics when I say this, but...I write for the character, not for the player. The character tells me how s/he grew up, what s/he wants or likes, the ideals or goals s/he pursues...I don't start out with a printout of the perfect...
  11. W

    Deal Breakers. What makes you "walk" away?

    I hear you on the straight-to-bed roleplays. I am actually grateful that this site has banned explicit scenes, because maybe now people will quit pestering me for it. It's been a problem on every forum I've joined. It isn't that much to add a premium channel to your TV service. If that's all...
  12. W

    Deal Breakers. What makes you "walk" away?

    I think everyone has been there. It is not, for me, an issue of the character being powerful. It is an underlying behavioral issue with the player. We're here to tell a story, not to reinforce a facade of personal invincibility erected as a coping mechanism for an inferiority complex. To put it...
  13. W

    Deal Breakers. What makes you "walk" away?

    Mmm, sounds like another item to add to the list. Not that one specifically, but what it made me think of. Powergamers. Never mind the story, never mind the character or his background, never mind his goals, hopes, dreams, etc...just as long as I get me some o' dat power. You know the one...
  14. W

    Deal Breakers. What makes you "walk" away?

    Posting reactions for others' characters is violation of the most basic roleplay etiquette I can think of. I could almost excuse it if it's a 1x1 with a trusted friend, who knows where the lines are and what might be acceptable, but aside of that? No. Not even once.
  15. W

    Deal Breakers. What makes you "walk" away?

    Especially in a 1x1, your partner needs to be able to contribute; not just to plot, but to setting, NPCs, the general feeling of the roleplay. It's a more intimate arrangement, where both players can afford to focus on each other, rather than having to coordinate an entire group, but that means...
  16. W

    Deal Breakers. What makes you "walk" away?

    For short exchanges, like conversation and some combat scenes, I prefer collaboration to artificially inflated posts. Not everyone does this; it's just what works for me.
  17. W

    Deal Breakers. What makes you "walk" away?

    I'm adding minimum word counts to my list. Quality of content will always trump quantity, especially in dialogue scenes. It would have to be a badly-dubbed Anime in order to require several paragraphs just to reach enough words to respond to a question. I'm all for post quality, detail, all...
  18. W

    Futuristic 1-800-HUNTERS // OOC

    Maybe he saw how much interest there was and spooked. ;D
  19. W

    Advice/Help How do I improve my writing?

    In my experience, "book style" writing has been the most effective. I read a lot as a kid, which definitely helped. The thing to remember is that quality of content trumps quantity of content every time. I love Sue Grafton. Well...the couple of books I read, anyway. She has a real flair for...
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    Advice/Help Roleplay Rejection?

    I agree with Geeking Out. I have had many applicants who did not quite fit what I was looking for, and the simplest answer was to reject them. However...with all respect to Occam's Razor, that's not always the best solution. In many cases, the problems could be resolved with a few tweaks to the...