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  1. Khadavla

    *Appears in a swirl of plum blossoms.*

    Good morning, everyone. It's been some time since I was here, but I ran a few Exalted games back when this was Pattern Spider and now I'm hoping to get back in the loop.
  2. Khadavla

    Trying to get back into the loop.

    Trying to get back into the loop.
  3. Khadavla

    Activity Check [Dark Heresy - For the Emperor!]

    :) I hope there's more than just we three.
  4. Khadavla

    In his name... Act 1.1 [Dark Heresy - For the Emperor!]

    Devi didn't hold back a sincere glow at the meal she'd managed too put together from some sirloin tips she'd found in the back of the cold-box, a few old onions and potatoes, and a mix of herbs and spices. "A trifle, Mr. Severus, merely a trifle. If you were a guest in my father's wagon on...
  5. Khadavla

    In his name... Act 1.1 [Dark Heresy - For the Emperor!]

    The ebony haired damsel met Thor at his safe house when he adjourned from the shower, having made an effort to get acess to the kitchens and prepare tea and a light snack from whatever was available. By dusk standards, she was hardly the most matronly of sorts, but given a half functional...
  6. Khadavla

    I'm not dead! [Dark Heresy - For the Emperor!]

    I'm not d ead either! I've been unable to connect for a while!
  7. Khadavla

    In his name... Act 1.1 [Dark Heresy - For the Emperor!]

    "I'm not familiar with the phrase either, sir." Devi wasn't skilled with writing, or she would take notes. Instead, she listened intently and actively processed the information to memorize it as best as she could.
  8. Khadavla

    Chat Game - Shadowrun

    Noooooooo! My internet disconnected before I could give you may AIM this morning! *sniffles and turns away dejected, big charlie brown head bobbling along down the street, leaving his card on the table.* AIM: TenshiMuse
  9. Khadavla

    In his name... Act 1.1 [Dark Heresy - For the Emperor!]

    Devi steepled her fingers and listened, wanting too hear the answer to this before she asked questions of her own.
  10. Khadavla

    Chat Game - Shadowrun

    AIM is good for me, but saturdays I have tabletop.
  11. Khadavla

    Chat Game - Shadowrun

    Monday 6-11 is great in my book.
  12. Khadavla

    Chat Game - Shadowrun

    i would love too play man, is that time slot on Monday's a possiblity?
  13. Khadavla

    In his name... Act 1.1 [Dark Heresy - For the Emperor!]

    Devi quietly hooked her thubs together and spread her fingers in the image of the Aquila over her heart, then bowed in quite reverance before taking a seat.
  14. Khadavla

    In his name... Act 1.1 [Dark Heresy - For the Emperor!]

    "I'm looking forewards too working with you, sister," the young woman replied, stopping at the Inquisitors office and making a gesture of great respect as she entered.
  15. Khadavla

    In his name... Act 1.1 [Dark Heresy - For the Emperor!]

    To see the young damsel, hair shining from an elaborate brushing, face equisittie from subtle makeup emphesising natural beauty, one would be hard pressed to imagine the dangerous stretches and grueling excercises that had consumed her flife for the hours before, contorting her body, soaking...
  16. Khadavla

    Starting Soon [Dark Heresy - For the Emperor!]

    *yawns* Apologies for not posting yet. I'll try and do so when i wake.
  17. Khadavla

    Devi [Dark Heresy - For the Emperor!]

    ...Agility 40 Intellect 25 Perception 33 Will 31 Fellowship 30 Fate 2 Wounds 14 Madness 4 Coruption 1 Skills: Awareness (Per) * Climb (Str) * Dodge ((Agi) * Inquiry (Fel) * Silent Move (Agi) * Talents: Ambidexterous Catfall Basic Weapon Training: Solid...
  18. Khadavla

    Dark Heresy Game

    Looking forwards to it.
  19. Khadavla

    Dark Heresy Game

    ...Agility 40 Intelect 25 Perception 33 Will 31 Fellowship 30 Fate 2 Wounds 14 Madness 4 Coruption 1 Skills: Awareness (Per) * Climb (Str) * Dodge ((Agi) * Inquiry (Fel) * Silent Move (Agi) * Talents: Ambidexterous Catfall Basic Weapon Training: Solid...
  20. Khadavla

    Dark Heresy Game

    Oh. :) I had already rolled, but no problem. :) Rewriting that right quick.