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  1. D

    Academy for the dead.

    Yes you can have that)
  2. D

    If you want to RP with me, send me a starter!

    If you want to RP with me, send me a starter!
  3. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    *laughs*"ONE, i am not drunk, takes more than that so...."* disappears for a moment**returns with a couple more bottles*"Two, I don't have anything to hide, god want to known about m past life too?!"*downs another full bottle**sighs**picks up another*
  4. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    "I only did it because you looked like you could help me because the rest decided to ditch me for being the 'baby' of the group."*sigh*throws the bottle out the window*"Where did you get these?"
  5. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    *dark glare*"I'm a gate keeper for Hell, I was sent out here to gather up these bastards with a couple other demons and we are banned from Hell until we complete it, if we go back we die. For good, no after life, no anything."*finishes off the drink**blinks a few times*
  6. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    "Yeah, I would have a stronger gut if I wasn't stabbed. But mostly Demons are like in the stories, normally cruel, selfish, bastards. Some of us though, the young ones like myself have a piece of a heart left to think and we work to keep that damned piece."
  7. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    *eyeroll**drinks half the bottle in one gulp**blinks*"well, this is strong, huh?"
  8. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    *sighs deeply* "Seriously? Should I even trust you?" *Grabs the bottle anyway* "You drug it with gold or some crap to poison me?"
  9. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    *stands and wipes away the tears**swears before flinching and running past him*(Do u mean alcohol? There is a shop down the street with some. I have to lay down.)* collapses on the small couch, forcing herself so sleep-heal as soon as she touches it**of course it still pains her, but shes been...
  10. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    *hisses when it touches her**blood pours from her mouth some**coughs**wincing*(I'll be fine.)*tears, the same as her blood, pour down her face but she keeps up a strong face.*
  11. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    Lex jumps back and growls at the first demigod before jumping over him and bringing the scythe down into his head splitting it in half. His sword flies up and digs itself into Lex's in the stomach. The first demigod's body falls onto the floor, its limbs twitching oddly as its purple blood...
  12. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    *walks back through*(crap.)*two demigods are oh the walls**they are dripping blood* demigod 1-*mutters Lex's real name*(Time for us to take you back for not completing your task.)*jumps off the wall**pulling a long sword from his belt* *jumps back*(Run Isaac!)*transforms into her real...
  13. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    (I could care less about you humans. You die, you die. Nothing to change that. I'm going to really be killed anyway for this, entering hell again. Heads up, don't **** with the devil or else you doom us all, for there is no Heaven with out Hell and vise-versa.)
  14. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    (I could care less about you humans. You die, you die. Nothing to change that. I'm going to really be killed anyway for this, entering hell again. Heads up, don't **** with the devil or else you doom us all, for there is no Heaven with out Hell and vise-versa.)
  15. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    (If I ask, can we leave?)*spins around**eyes have a red glow to them**glaring*
  16. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    (I wouldn't go there idiot. BTW I've been banished from here, but I guess you don't care that I'll be tortured to a full extent.)*pulls in another direction**walking angrily*
  17. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    *starts laughing while watching him dance*(Don't get me wrong your still a idiot, why the hell did you do this? I-)*a large bang is heard*(We need to go.)
  18. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    *swearing*(******* ass shit head. Can't believe him. The damned ******. **** **** **** **** ****.)*follows*
  19. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    *eyes widen, drops the body, and runs down*(You ******* retard!)*grips arm*(Get away from there!)*starts swearing up a storm*(Wheres the damned button?!)
  20. D

    Random, take it where ever you want!

    *eyeroll**sighs and walks outside**looks around*(This place is emptier than my old home and smells of death...)*picks up a body*(I wonder if he'll freak out if i eat this human.)*tosses it uncaring up and down*(hmm*