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  1. Vandrid


    sorry it took awhile to post... getting people drunk can be a hard job sometimes
  2. Vandrid


    thank you and again sorry bout that
  3. Vandrid


    I must have missed that somewhere... I've only seen your fist post, where did you post a party?Hahaha! I'm such a noob! I didn't know you could click on our names so I just saw Lena's... No wonder I was confused... I will fix it
  4. Vandrid


    That's cool, I'm not trying to rush anybody I was just curious
  5. Vandrid


    So we just wait this out or what's going on? Is this a normal pace for an rp?
  6. Vandrid


    We Americans aren't always that creative...
  7. Vandrid


    So those taco fries... I'm pretty sure Americans just call them chili cheese fries
  8. Vandrid


  9. Vandrid


    Quick question before I start: are we to put where we are also it seems I need some couching on format. I assume you put who you are narrating to in the post, but why aren't we all in the same place you described, also are we to put our name and location at the top of every post? Sorry for all...
  10. Vandrid


    Name: Dominic "Dom" Apparent Age: 34 Appearance: A stocky built man of Latino origin; he is shorter than average but almost pure muscle. Buzzed Black hair covers his head and face. Vitality: 5 Lucidity 5 Memory: 0 Truth: ~A woman's voice wispering "tu madre te ama." ~The shine...
  11. Vandrid

    I would actually love to join. This will be my first time RPing so you will have to offer some...

    I would actually love to join. This will be my first time RPing so you will have to offer some understanding.
  12. Vandrid

    Hey, I'm quite new to the Forums, but someone said I should come to you to see if you have a...

    Hey, I'm quite new to the Forums, but someone said I should come to you to see if you have a spot open on a game, or maybe lead me to somewhere to play
  13. Vandrid

    I'm new and have no clue what to do

    cool beans, ill will look him up. Thanks so much
  14. Vandrid

    I'm new and have no clue what to do

    who is Grey anyway?
  15. Vandrid

    I'm new and have no clue what to do

    hey cool! and thanks for the help
  16. Vandrid

    I'm new and have no clue what to do

    ah good question. while I like the structure of game mechanics and would probably be more comfortable there I wouldn't mind trying my hand at just writing.
  17. Vandrid

    I'm new and have no clue what to do

    Hey everyone, I was reading up on some posts of people about their experiences on RP forums and wanted to take a stab at it. I've been playing RPG's for years now, but have never played on a forum, so I'm a bit lost. if anyone can help me out a bit and get me into a game, that would be great...