Search results for query: *

  1. Cosmic Cabaret

    She's a saint with the lips of a sinner. She's an angel with a devilish kiss.

    She's a saint with the lips of a sinner. She's an angel with a devilish kiss.
  2. Cosmic Cabaret

    1 x 1 Partner Search

    Sure! Do you mind PMing me your idea's? I would love to hear them!
  3. Cosmic Cabaret

    1 x 1 Partner Search

    Absolutely! Do you mind if I pm you?
  4. Cosmic Cabaret

    1 x 1 Partner Search

  5. Cosmic Cabaret

    1 x 1 Partner Search

    B u m p ! ♥
  6. Cosmic Cabaret

    Looking for partners! fxf

    Hi! I'd be interested in an rp with you! Would you like for me to PM you??
  7. Cosmic Cabaret

    1 x 1 Partner Search

    B u m p ~ 23942
  8. Cosmic Cabaret

    1 x 1 Partner Search

    B u m p ~
  9. Cosmic Cabaret

    1 x 1 Partner Search

    Sure! Do you mind sending me a pm?
  10. Cosmic Cabaret

    1 x 1 Partner Search

    B u m p !
  11. Cosmic Cabaret

    1 x 1 Partner Search

    Excellent! I look forward to it!
  12. Cosmic Cabaret

    1 x 1 Partner Search

    Sweet! 1. Female. 2. Yes! 3. Is that even a question? ;)
  13. Cosmic Cabaret

    1 x 1 Partner Search

    B u m p! ♥
  14. Cosmic Cabaret

    1 x 1 Partner Search

    Hello ♥ I'm looking for some 1x1 Roleplay partners to RP over PM or e-mail. I don't ask for a lot, and I'm open for nearly any kind of RP. I'm willing to do. semi-lit at the least, although I am looks for literate please. However I don't do animal or fandom RP's. Sorry. I...
  15. Cosmic Cabaret

    All my friends are heathens.

    All my friends are heathens.
  16. Cosmic Cabaret

    One x One 1 x 1 Partner Search

    @Cosmic Cabaret, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  17. Cosmic Cabaret

    One x One 1 x 1 Partner Search

    @Cosmic Cabaret, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  18. Cosmic Cabaret

    Question about the 1x1 forum

    Can I post a search thread in the 1x1 forum? Also, I prefer to rp over private messages. Is that a problem? Does the RP have to be in a thread?
  19. Cosmic Cabaret

    Hi and Hello!

    'Ello 'ello! :3
  20. Cosmic Cabaret

    Hi and Hello!

    Thank you! How are you today?