Search results for query: *

  1. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Town of Love

    Look: Name: Rose K Smith Age: 21 Background: I came to Heartville looking for true love. I have heard stories about it from all over the world and it sounds just simply amazing. I am so excited to meet new people and make friends! and maybe find true love? Personality: Outgoing, girly...
  2. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Town of Love

    Welcome to a town where people fall in love. In this town called Heartsville, there seems to be some strange spell cast over the town that causes people to fall madly in love. People meet life long partners there or sometimes have several things going at once, if you know what I mean :). Join...
  3. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy into the woods

    Name:  Willow Olle Rose Age: 18 Appearance: image below (also is wearing skinny jeans and big sweatshirt) Power: shapeshifting into any animal Background info: Willow was very shy and often bullied at school for the marks she had on her arm. Her father hit her, burned her and...
  4. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy into the woods

    ...certain marks or tattoos) Optional// Pets: Siblings: RULES: 1. you may only have up to 2 characters at a time 2.if a character is talking to you, you must respond and if you are ignoring them as part of the rp put *ignores ______* 3. Follow the rules or you may be kicked out.
  5. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Lost in Magic

    "Come on! It's alright! He's fine. Please pet him!" She made a really cute puppy face with puppy eyes. "Please??" She said pouting cutely.
  6. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Lost in Magic

    "Well, it seemed lonely and helpless, just like me and.. and we sort of connected. And I think it's rather cute." Willow gave the griffon a big hug and he smiled a really cute smile and closed her eyes when she did. She really loved her griffon. "I think it likes you, come pet it!" She said...
  7. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Lost in Magic

    Willow sighed, she didn't say anything, she began to cry and squatted on the ground and start at her feet. "OH Chaos, It feel like to whole world is agains me right now." She said quietly in a tiny cute voice.
  8. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Lost in Magic

    "B.. but I was gone for hours... nobody even.. not... noticed I was gone..." She said awkwardly realizing the fact the She liked Chaos.
  9. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Lost in Magic

    "It's fine.." she said (for him bumping into her) "I'm leaving because nobody really cared, I was gone for hours and they didn't notice, I don't think they even knew I left, including my sister." She said sadly @Kippers
  10. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Lost in Magic

    Willow looked back and saw Chaos running after her, she began to slow to a stop and wiped her tears away. She slowly climbed of the owl griffon and walk towards Chaos with her head hanging low. @Kippers
  11. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Lost in Magic

    Willow took off and flew right past Chaos without noticing, she tried to think of the life a head of her, (if she even had a chance on her own) as tears streamed down her face.
  12. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Lost in Magic

    Gotta go for the night bye!
  13. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Lost in Magic

    You weren't really that rude.. and it is alright we all have bad days now and then, don't worry tomorrow is another day... Anything I can do to cheer you up?
  14. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Lost in Magic

    Willow began to tear up as the griffon outspread it's wings. "thanks for taking me leaving so well guys.." she said in-between sobs, they never really cared for her, nobody even heard her goodbye, she had not taken off yet though.
  15. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Lost in Magic

    It just came through you may continue on now I apologize! :) @Supernova
  16. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Lost in Magic

    Well I don't know why but I didn't seem to find it let me check once more.
  17. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Lost in Magic

    I don't think it did please try once more and mention me by putting @Queen of Magic at the end
  18. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Lost in Magic

    Please sign up your character before joining.
  19. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Lost in Magic

    (btw I am changing my age to 16) Willow knew they had each other, Willow knew Echo and Alaska probably liked each other, Chaos was clearly fine and the others seemed okay, they could care for Maggie better than she ever could. She began to gather her things including Berry and climb on the...
  20. Rose K Smith

    Fantasy Lost in Magic

    Without noticing Willow the large thing crawled under the tree to take a nap.. She stealthily climbed down to examine it, here is what it looked like: It was an owl griffon, she knew she could tame it from her experience with other animals. She slowly reached her hand out to touched it's...