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  1. Lord Sessadore

    Shiro: The Power of Fear [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    "Well, I might as well start with you, then. What is your name, kid?" Shiro follows the child around the caravan, doing his best to memorize the faces at least, if not the names, of the caravan members. ========== No worries about the delays, I'm enjoying myself :)
  2. Lord Sessadore

    Shiro: The Power of Fear [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    Shiro pauses a moment to take in the scene, and to examine Shun more closely. Then he approaches confidently to greet the caravan leader with a bow. "Hello, Shun Jiao. I'm Taren, the guard Green Tooth hired." Deciding to skip the formalities for now to save the busy man some time, he asks, "Do...
  3. Lord Sessadore

    Shiro: The Power of Fear [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    Shiro quickly takes another couple of bites from his meal, then decides to leave the rest and follows Gam. ========== No worries on the delay - I was actually moving this past week, and only today got internet in my new place, so you'd have been waiting on me if you updated any earlier ;)
  4. Lord Sessadore

    Shiro: The Power of Fear [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    Shiro stays standing with the man while they talk, though he glances back to what remains of his food occasionally. "Well, I can't say that I've guarded a caravan before, but I do have experience with the guarding of buildings and important persons on the move. I think that gives me a fair idea...
  5. Lord Sessadore

    Shiro: The Power of Fear [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    ========== First, no worries about the delay - I understand you're busy. I'm pretty busy in RL at the moment myself, so no worries :) Stunt dice: Shiro rolled the following in his 3 dice: 4, 4, 6 Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 0 successes. :( So then...
  6. Lord Sessadore

    Shiro: The Power of Fear [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    "Taren, the caravan guard": A man standing near six feet with tan skin, he wears a long, red-brown scarf which wraps around his head and neck, leaving his face exposed. (Using FID, he's shaved bald underneath, but since he'll be sleeping in the disguise he needs some way to cover his hair when...
  7. Lord Sessadore

    Shiro: The Power of Fear [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    Shiro swallows the food he's chewing at the moment, then cleans his mouth before standing and introducing himself. "Good day, Gam. I'm Taren, pleased to meet you. You're right, I'm the one Green Tooth hired." Shiro takes the scroll from Tooth out of an inner pocket of his shirt and shows it to...
  8. Lord Sessadore

    Shiro: The Power of Fear [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    =============== Hmm ... seems I might've made a little fumble here. I wanted to have a different face as the caravan guard, but the only way I can see to pull that off would be to go to the owner of the Red Carpet as Shadow, tell him that I'm going to get the guy who the caravan master is to...
  9. Lord Sessadore

    Shiro: The Power of Fear [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    "Always a pleasure," Shiro says as he shakes his hand. "Good fortune to you, Tooth." Once the merchant is gone, Shiro takes his time with the rest of his tea, then leaves the Red Carpet to get a feel for the town. ================ So do we fast-forward to when the caravan arrives now? If...
  10. Lord Sessadore

    [OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    As long as you're still alive, no worries :) Ditto Nobble.
  11. Lord Sessadore

    Shiro: The Power of Fear [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    Shiro takes the scroll, tucking it away safely. "My thanks, Tooth. I always look forward to our meetings, and this has been no let down. So, when does the caravan leave, and from where?"
  12. Lord Sessadore

    Shiro: The Power of Fear [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    "Excellent! I knew I could count on you, Tooth. What would I do without you?" Shiro says with a chuckle. "So, when does your caravan leave? Also, I must ask, have you already told the caravan I would be accompanying as a guard? If you haven't, I would prefer you didn't give them my...
  13. Lord Sessadore

    [OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    Heh, fair enough. We know you're busy busy :)
  14. Lord Sessadore

    Shiro: The Power of Fear [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    Shiro grins at Tooth's suggestion. "Yes, making the buyers scared is good. If both the slavers and the buyers are scared, the trade should dry up nicely. Thank you once again for the intel, Tooth, it's as good as always." Shiro sits silently in thought for a moment, then speaks again. "Marita...
  15. Lord Sessadore

    Shiro: The Power of Fear [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    Shiro raises his eyebrows at this news as thoughts jumble in his head. Black Raven? This is big. But he's a dragon-blooded, even if he is an outcaste ... That doesn't matter, he must pay for his crimes! I need to know more ... Interest plain on his face, he says, "Really? Do you know when this...
  16. Lord Sessadore

    [OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    p370: Clinch: speed 6, defense --, rate 1 Kick: speed 5, defense -2, rate 2 Punch: speed 5, accuracy +1, defense +2, rate 3 I was under that impression as well until I read cyl's post here and then went back to reread the combat post in detail and check your stats. Clarification by...
  17. Lord Sessadore

    [OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    Thanks, cyl. I remember skimming that, but I forgot the details. I also forgot that Tamat was getting swarmed by 4 guys ;) If I may, it seems you and cyl have had a bit of a miscommunication. I think cyl meant that you have a total -3 penalty do your DDV, not that your DDV is -3 after...
  18. Lord Sessadore

    [OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    Is that -2 DDV from multiple attackers a standard penalty, or a ST adjudicated penalty? I haven't seen it before, but then again I might have missed it, and it does make sense. Or were the attackers coordinating?
  19. Lord Sessadore

    Shiro: The Power of Fear [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    Shiro walks into the teahouse as the Vengeful Shadow. After receiving Green Tooth's nod, he gives the other people in the teahouse a quick scan to see if anyone seems to be giving either of them undue attention. Smiling as though meeting an old friend, he walks nonchalantly up the stairs to...
  20. Lord Sessadore

    [OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    No worries, I love it so far. :mrgreen: I understand how life can get; I'm patient.