Search results for query: *

  1. Neolarthytep

    [The Grid] Chatper 1: Hardwired

    b]Robert Maudeville[/b] I have no idea who bought the booze, and I have no recollection of anything past leaving the hospital. The stupidity of his friends sometimes drives him crazy. My foot stills hurts, but thanks for asking anyways
  2. Neolarthytep

    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Lily Dawnstar As the lights begin to dim Lily's heat vision takes over. The whole ship is going from a dull color to brighter one very quickly. Seeing her sister in pain she goes to her side Sister you require medical attention. I advise you seek it with haste. She awaits further command.
  3. Neolarthytep

    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Lily Dawnstar Affirmative Hearing the order she goes back down into the submarine. She was sure they had wanted her to take a scan of the disturbance on the water, but her Sister's order out ranks the other order's given. Her prime directive was to obey Cyan, that was the final order her...
  4. Neolarthytep

    [The Grid] Chatper 1: Hardwired

    Robert Maudeville Vicodin... It's not mine man Although a few Vicodine would probably ease the pain of his foot. Robert looks Frank over curiously. wait a second... shopping? I didn't go shopping I thought you guys bought this. Rubbing his head he tries to remember what happened after...
  5. Neolarthytep

    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Lily Dawnstar Upon getting on deck Lily quickly locks her anchor in place before trying to help pull the two free and to their feet. Sir this is not the appropriate way to align the navigation system. Do you require my assistance in properly doing so? You would assume she was joking but...
  6. Neolarthytep

    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Lily Dawnstar As soon as Lily gets to the bottom of the ladder the intercom comes alive with the orders to return on top. She presses the button on the device and replies "Affirmative, returning immediately" She then makes her way back to the ladder and onto the top of the ship
  7. Neolarthytep

    [The Grid] Chatper 1: Hardwired

    Robert Maudeville Awakening in the hammock with the empty bottle of Jamison tucked by his side, Robert slowly swings his feet over the side. The contact with the wood of the wrap around porch of the beach house makes it throb. Trying to remember the events after he got home last night is...
  8. Neolarthytep

    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Lily Dawnstar Lily seeing the situation is in order retreats to the inside of the ship. [spoiler=]Not yet GM. I have been lazy and not finished mine.
  9. Neolarthytep

    [The Grid] Chatper 1: Hardwired

    Robert Maudville Looking at the bruise on his forehead Robert touches it gently. He wasn't sure what he saw back there but he knew he was lucky to get out with only a bruise. Taking the car out of park he reverses and drives out of the parking lot. Heading for the house he tried to make sense...
  10. Neolarthytep

    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Lily Dawnstar With her suit on she stands by the navigation tool with the rest of the group. Seeing the captain on deck she cocks her head to the side slightly at his obvious neglect in acknowledging her and her sisters presence.She could have sworn her sister had told her it was customary to...
  11. Neolarthytep

    [The Grid] Chatper 1: Hardwired

    Robert Maudville Hurriedly Robert gets to his car and fumbles with his keys to get in. After dropping them several times and doing a number on his car's paint around the lock trying to get it in he succeeds in unlocking the door. Once inside of his car he locks the doors and lets out a breath...
  12. Neolarthytep

    [The Grid] Chatper 1: Hardwired

    Robert Maudville Ignoring the woman Robert picks himself up and ran for the door. His head was a race of thoughts and sanity was not in the lead. Passing people as he went he kept looking over his shoulder to see if anything followed him
  13. Neolarthytep

    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Lily Dawnstar Without hesitation she speaks We are headed in a <Gm insert direction here> Is this not the proper direction [spoiler=]Has absolute direction advantage Is this not the correct course sister With another toothy smile If not I would be most grateful to help you with your...
  14. Neolarthytep

    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Making her way around a bend in the ship she sees Cyan coming out from the doorway Good morning sister she says in the most monotone of voices. Cyan had been trying to teach her some manners, seeing as this ship is the first real interaction she had ever had with other people for such a...
  15. Neolarthytep

    [The Grid] Chatper 1: Hardwired

    Robert Maudeville Holy Shit! The scream comes from his mouth as he leaps towards the door fumbling for the handle. Thoughts race through his head. Now that couldn't have just happened.... but even if it didn't he had to get out of this room now Oh crap...oh crap.. oh crap His fingers...
  16. Neolarthytep

    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Lily Dawnstar With a robotic jerk Lily sits up right in her bunk. Her eyes adjust instantly to the dim light of the room. A small number of 13% shows up in her field of vision displaying the amount of light currently int he room. Even with such a small amount of light her vision displays as if...
  17. Neolarthytep

    [The Grid] Chatper 1: Hardwired

    Robert Maudeville "Excuse me" The words erupt from his mouth without a moment of thought from her last sentence. Once he says it so abruptly and loud he pauses and calms himself. With a slight release of a calming breath he states the obvious question "I'm sorry, but why on earth would I...
  18. Neolarthytep

    [The Grid] Chatper 1: Hardwired

    Robert Maudeville Managing a smile to the man as he stands Why thank you sir, but if you'll excuse me Seeing the nurse headed his way Robert walks over to here hobbling slightly with a quick glance back to the peculiar man. Once he reaches the nurse he hands her the pile of paperwork. I...
  19. Neolarthytep

    [The Grid] Chatper 1: Hardwired

    Robert Maudeville Robert's eyes peer up from behind his glasses to the source of the voice. His foot does ache, and his hands ache too from the mass of paperwork. "Evening ma'am/sir." He examines the person before him and their clothing to see if they are part of the hospital staff before...
  20. Neolarthytep

    [The Grid] Chatper 1: Hardwired

    Robert Maudeville Hanging up the phone Robert looks at his two friends sitting at the table, then out the back door to the ocean "damn" he mutters "Ok guys am I dead or not because I have to get over to the hospital again" His friends looked up at him and laughed "Oh your dead...