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  • Users: Mr.E
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  1. Mr.E

    4th Solar Excellency.... example confuses me

    I was using '3 arms' as an exaggeration. As obviously, the vast majority of humanity only has 2 arms.   :)
  2. Mr.E

    Newbie Questions - Take #1

    I agree with the books version of stunts... except on two notes. 1. It takes a little more than just saying "I attack it" it get a 1-die stunt, that's just too easy. But, doing something a little extra, "I whip the spear around in a circle, then slap the butt end to the ground to make a trip...
  3. Mr.E

    How to better engage players? (help!)

    I was in a group where we butted heads over ideas, but, we were friends outside of the game, so, we bickered a lot in In-Character. It was very realistic, with friendly debates, and such. I mean, think about it, do you and your friends always get along all of the time? We sometimes made...
  4. Mr.E

    How to better engage players? (help!)

    I think this is an awesome thread! It really helps me out just by reading it! I love building little nooks and crannies, but, I hate trying to build entire campaign arcs, but, I usually offer to sit in the hot-seat. I suck at it. But, I really did get a bit of unifying advice from this thread...
  5. Mr.E

    Newbie Questions - Take #1

    I just find that last line amusing, "did I kill it?" I often end up as a 'fighter' in most parties, regardless of genre, just because, it's easy to play, archetypes are common, it fits my personality, and every group needs AT LEAST one. That happens to be one of my favorite lines "did I kill...
  6. Mr.E

    4th Solar Excellency.... example confuses me

    It's not the school's fault, it's bad parenting.  :evil: Obviously, you're a good parent, your 9 year old doesn't carry a gun. I'd be that creepy ex-military teacher, that tells those weird stories of pain, and cold nights, and things that border on homosexual. "Back when I was in 'Nam, I...
  7. Mr.E

    4th Solar Excellency.... example confuses me

    Actually yeah, I almost did forget that part! Thanks for smacking me in the head with it.... everyone needs a good trout smack every once in a while.  :wink:  Someday... I'll make a good elementary school teacher!  :twisted:
  8. Mr.E

    4th Solar Excellency.... example confuses me

    OK, I think I got it now. It does not reduce each die, but, the final cost for every activation. So, basically, just dumb a HUGE chunk of essence into it if you plan on using it =p Or at least figure out what your common / max usage will be per round, and spend that (doubled) so... that...
  9. Mr.E

    4th Solar Excellency.... example confuses me

    Alright, I'll preface by saying, I'm not sure if any other group has the 4th Excellency / how it works, I only have the core book, so, my question is aimed at that. I've read the 4th Excellency, and it always seems like an amazing charm, being able to dump a stash of motes in the beginning of...
  10. Mr.E

    I can't seem to find a good answer to this

    So, you do that just for their Exaltation? I may do that, none of them have ever played before, so, they won't know anything! I'll be like "look at all the neat things you can do!" and make them have full animas, and blow up their surroundings so they think it's all neat.... then, trash their...
  11. Mr.E

    I can't seem to find a good answer to this

    Does anyone have a response to that last idea of mine? About not wasting their EXP and effort Spent? :shock: Is anyone else really creeped out by the smiley with the huge grin and the the wiggly lip? *shudders*  :cry:
  12. Mr.E

    I can't seem to find a good answer to this

    What I was thinking about doing... was looking at Template E (Exalted) and Template H (Heroic Mortal).... E-H = B (Bonus -What they get with the exaltation,) regardless of what they currently have in dots and such. Make sense?
  13. Mr.E

    I can't seem to find a good answer to this

    ... these aren't shape-shifted Lunar house-cats we're discussing is it? Hmm... maybe I should try that.... I once used a house cat that could magically change into a dire tiger... that was D&D though... Before I degenerate into madness, and join the rest of the crazy folks here.... is this...
  14. Mr.E

    I can't seem to find a good answer to this

    I think I have seen the Hazard Rating before. Does anyone have any other general guidelines that they use? I have seen what 3 solars could to several Imm. Monks and DB's with a cast of extra... the solars were exhausted, but, everyone else was dead. The players that will be here, have 1. Never...
  15. Mr.E

    I can't seem to find a good answer to this

    SAS seems useful, if only they had Exalted! How sad. But from their outline, I get a little bit of an idea what it takes. The only ST I have ever had, never had characters rolled up for NPC's, he always just had rough ideas in his head for things such as "NPC's name is XX, XX has about 50...
  16. Mr.E

    I can't seem to find a good answer to this

    Hi there, I've skimmed / lurked at the forum for a bit, and I'm rather new to Exalted; I have only played in one game before, if you recall MasterOfMalfeasence's game where the PC's killed the Perfect, that was us, but, I digress, so I transgress into my point. I am new, and I have people...