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  1. Twirls

    Fantasy Orange vs. Dolphins: Pick a side!

    excuse me, where would the rp be located? thinking of joining
  2. Twirls

    Maji'Ka: The Paralithium Crisis

    I've edited in the background, Kagura. Sorry for the delay. What happened after regarding how he got his transformation & what proceeds afterwards was already linked in a PM you were in.
  3. Twirls

    Maji'Ka: The Paralithium Crisis

    Name Herald Gossamer Age 19 Gender Male Personality Soft-spoken Naive Passionate (In certain occurrences) Easily frightened Guileless Appearance
  4. Twirls

    Jefferson Tech University (JTU) - Sign-up

    When are you starting? I may join in. **though I may not have time so it depends on when you start
  5. Twirls

    I forgot my password again...

    I forgot my password again...
  6. Twirls


  7. Twirls

    In need of a yaoi 1x1!!

    Excuse me, what do you mean by "elsewhere"?
  8. Twirls

    Um, thanks for the follow. :D ...What is that?

    Um, thanks for the follow. :D ...What is that?