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  1. P

    Let the Games Begin

    I can see what you mean, Alexina. Hmm, maybe you're right. I suppose we can put it on hold or try again if/when she returns, too. I suppose it's off to find another rp.
  2. P

    Let the Games Begin

    Sad face. I think it would be best to have someone else control Giselle, but Tylar, since you seem to be involved with Aura on running this thing, you'd have my vote for major progressions of the story, if you and everyone else are okay with it. I see a lot of potential in this, and I'd hate...
  3. P

    Let the Games Begin

    Somebody mind sending me a msg or something if anything big happens or if we switch to the next day? I really don't have anything more to post for the opening ceremonies at this point. Thanks a ton!
  4. P

    Let the Games Begin

    Aiden smiled wryly as he observed everyone moving about, putting on their own shows for each other. Few ridiculous as his. Some genuine, some naive. Some pure, others far from it. It was a wonderful show he was going to participate in, wasn't it? He had excused himself from the main tent and...
  5. P

    Let the Games Begin

    It's a lot of fun. I'm enjoying Saben quite a bit as well! I'm trying to be patient with my postings and let everyone else go a round unless I'm having an interaction with someone, but I wanna keep going. lol
  6. P

    Let the Games Begin

    Aiden had seated himself across the tent, with easier access to the food. Splitting his thoughts of Giselle with food, there he sat, two plates pilled high with the bounties provided. Succulent lamb, fire roasted veggies. Sweets, fruits, breads. A lot of things his father would never spend his...
  7. P

    Let the Games Begin

    Is this just going to be the few of us? Haha. I'm way too excited for this. Where are the other suitors! Saben cracks me up. I think opportunity for awkward moments will be abundant!
  8. P

    Let the Games Begin

    Aiden's eyes glossed over, if only for a moment. ..Could I have...? No......well.....Whoops. He laughed and scratched the back of his head, regaining his poseur before addressing Saben. "Tell you what, I'll toss back a few ales, you toss on a dress, if nothing else, we can share some laughs."...
  9. P

    Let the Games Begin

    Aiden was chatting with a few other citizens when he first gazed upon Giselle. "The competition stands to be fierce," one of them said. "It's a big deal, so I hope there are some worthy guys for her. I'd take her in a heartbeat." He grinned and began to reply. "I've got your fierce...
  10. P

    Let the Games Begin

    After a long trip on horseback, Aiden arrived in Verria. Wiping the sweat from his brow he smiled and then dismounted. His face was covered in dirt and his curly brown hair looked wild. His clothing was plain enough, a simple green stained leather jerkin with brown pants, though they were filthy...
  11. P

    Let the Games Begin

    Name: Aiden Alexander McKnight Age: 20 What your town/city is like: Tyrial is a flourishing port city which supports Arrdin by bringing in treasures and goods from distant lands. Run by a council made up members of the wealthiest merchant houses, the city is run with maximizing profits in...
  12. P


    Thanks to both of you! Looking forward to becoming a part of things!
  13. P


    I made this account awhile ago, but I'm just now getting around to posting! I've been rping for quite awhile at this point. Got my start on the forums at Neopets and ended up at another site for several years before it finally died out as people got older and found themselves with less time...