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  1. Konosuba

    Science Is a liberal arts degree a useful education?

    If your talking about generalized classes, sure there is some value in that. However that kind of value should only be taught early on. That should not be a core concept that should be focused on later on . Later on in life, everyone should be focused on what kind of job that the market needs...
  2. Konosuba

    Science Is a liberal arts degree a useful education?

    The world *is* nearly all science and its nearly all about math . We are LIVING in the 21st century . Why is it that we still harken back to the past ? That kind of thinking is toxic . The way forwards is to concentrate more on STEM . Its backwards thinking like that , which will ultimately...
  3. Konosuba

    Science Is a liberal arts degree a useful education?

    Its harder to find other article to back up the other side of the argument because that other side of the argument doesn't exist.... For good reason .
  4. Konosuba

    Science Is a liberal arts degree a useful education?

    " Yes, the degree is pretty much worthless, but it´s a degree you chase for it´s worth on the market. In the market, most degree are worthless. In the real world, no degree is worth anything at all, only your own contributions and understanding of reality is. " So your saying that a college...
  5. Konosuba

    Science Is a liberal arts degree a useful education?

    Exactly ! You should go for a STEM degree ....its common knowledge, why even link sources?
  6. Konosuba

    Science Is a liberal arts degree a useful education?

    Which is sad really ..... colleges used to entertain freedom of ideas. Now its just become another authoritarian paradise .
  7. Konosuba

    Science Is a liberal arts degree a useful education?

    Well, they say a fool is parted from their money quickly ......
  8. Konosuba

    Science Is a liberal arts degree a useful education?

    If your working in the tech field , do you ever use that politics class ? No . Sure I can see how that English class is needed . Public speaking ? Depending on the job role, it could be fairly useful, or it could be nearly worthless . \ History ? Since when does one in the tech field look...
  9. Konosuba

    Science Is a liberal arts degree a useful education?

    It doesn't make logical sense: 1) See what degree is worth it ( STEM) versus what degree isn't worth it ( Liberal arts) 2) Major in a degree that is in your words " Worthless " . 3) Start living off of the government because you can't take care of yourself. While taking money from those who...
  10. Konosuba

    Science Is a liberal arts degree a useful education?

    This was sparked by the TA complaint post. I personally can't find the validity in liberal arts degrees, specifically English, Art and Philosophy. That isn't to say what is produced by those fields is bad but that education in them is egregious. A writer can learn tips to write but they don't...
  11. Konosuba

    Video Games Stellaris: Post Your Empire

    What you think of the latest expansion ? Ascension ?
  12. Konosuba

    Video Games Is there a series you've never touched?

    Any Mario game ........
  13. Konosuba

    Video Games Which game are you obsessed with?

    Call of duty infinite warfare
  14. Konosuba

    Kiss, kill, fuck, or marry the avatar BELOW you

  15. Konosuba

    Literature Your favorite NON-FICTION books?

    Evicted by Matthew Desmond. Its a fairly dark book...but nonfiction that has a daily impact tends to be.
  16. Konosuba

    Video Games Ready or Not: Thoughts?

    Depends what you mean by serious FPS.....if you mean plot wise.....there are several out there even though they might be dated.
  17. Konosuba

    Video Games Game recommendations with strong leading women

  18. Konosuba

    Other What are you looking forward to at E3?

    First call of duty !
  19. Konosuba

    Video Games What older games need an HD remake?

    Call of Duty series !
  20. Konosuba

    Video Games Opinions on Watch Dogs 2?

    Its okay , decent plot, the game play's a bit better then WD 1 .