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  1. Fintan

    When Darkness Comes.

    Okay, I'm sorry, but I find it really hard to roleplay when the other characters in my environment only make posts that are a sentence or two, and others use grammar so atrocious it's hard to delineate the meaning behind the post. It makes the world and situational development slow and clunky...
  2. Fintan

    When Darkness Comes.

    Nah, just takes a bit of time. That's why most posts are a couple paragraphs, to fill in the time. Other people have things like life and work and school and what not. But we get around to it. Patience is a virtue.
  3. Fintan

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Observing the newcomer, Mal chuckled lightly. After the firefight they were just involved in, the child seemed to pose no threat. It was only when he inhaled through his nose, ready to sigh, that he realized this was no ordinary child. Quickly, Mal appeared between the two of them, staring down...
  4. Fintan

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Slowly emerging from beneath the car, Mal looked down at his hands, his claws still elongated and his fingertips shaking to slightly for the human eye to notice. It'd been far too long since he had fed on fresh blood. The blood from the neko's heart was nearly useless by the time he had gotten...
  5. Fintan

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Mal quickly reassessed the situation. Two new trucks had arrived, those inside of them not yet visible. Both trucks had been plated with scrap metal, providing extra armor, so it was safe to assume those inside were also well armed. The balance of power had changed, and if he had remained in his...
  6. Fintan

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    That was it. The line between sanity and everyone in that car dying had been crossed. Snarling, infuriated, Mal sprung through the windshield, through the air, not even touching the ground, so great was the force that he pounced with, on top of the truck, tearing a small square open, and killing...
  7. Fintan

    When Darkness Comes.

    Hey quick question for Jade (the author), I'm looking to make my character a particularly powerful vampire, although I'm cautious, I don't want Mal becoming OP and it just being ridiculous. So I was thinking about sticking to the premise of him going into a blood rage, and that essentially...
  8. Fintan

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    What started as a soft chuckle in his core slowly bubbled up his throat, leaving his lips as an insane cackle as Mal rose to his feet and crouched near the back of the van, like an Olympic sprinter, staring at the man with the assault rifle through the windshield. Glancing at Carter and James, a...
  9. Fintan

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Hands trembling as the black in his eyes begins to trail into the green in small tendrils making their way inwards, Mal feels the only craving stronger than any blood thirst tearing at his core, fogging his mind as more undead came around the corner, practically a wave of them, all stumbling...
  10. Fintan

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Smirking darkly, each side of his split tongue gliding over his canines as Mal heard the shrieking alarms, already knowing that the hordes of the undead they had seen just a moment ago would be attracted to the noise. Cracking his knuckles, Mals fingernails extended into sharp talons as he...
  11. Fintan

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Nods, listening to the various clues and trying to piece them together with a specific motive. It was obvious that this man was the target, however, the killers intentions were still unclear. And in a time such as this, such elaborate murders were rare, considering the fact that most were mere...
  12. Fintan

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Snarling, disgusted with the display of flesh, torn and mangled before him, and the almost carnal way in which the humans ally gorged himself on the dead, Mal noticed that the flesh was still warm as he methodically untied the rope that held the poor Neko up, wrapping it into a tight coil and...
  13. Fintan

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Smirking, Mal assists the man getting into the van, uncrossing his legs and leaning his back against the vans cold metal walls. "In regards to your first question, I could ask you the same. I was merely seeking a moment of peace when you arrived, stinking up my hide away." Sliding his slender...
  14. Fintan

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    The roar of the engine instantly shook Mal from his meditation, the swirling images that were beginning to come together to form his memories of his past, scattering into obscurity once again. The moment his eyes opened, he remembered the large white van in which he had taken shelter. But...
  15. Fintan

    When Darkness Comes.

    Name: Malik, or Mal Age: Unknown Species: Vampire Appearance: Weapons:Mal uses his whatever is at his disposal as a weapon, at his most deadly when in an industrial, or urban area. When forced to use his own hands, his combat becomes less methodical and planned, more feral and...