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  1. M

    Dual Wielding

    it's not so much the offhand penalty that I disagree with. It's the dice pool splitting. Attacking twice requires a dice pool penalty because take a swing with a sword puts you off balance. so if you want to attack a second time in quick succession you're going to have spend a lot of energy...
  2. M

    Dual Wielding

    Okay, i'm not sure if there was a topic about this on the old EC site, but I can't seem to find it here, so I'll ask. The core book only makes 1 mention (that I've been able to find) about dual wielding: pg 234: "Characters with a weapon in each hand must still split their dice pool to...
  3. M

    Thoughts on Stygia?

    seems to me to all depend on taste. I for one am drawn to the abyssal setting and the underworld simply because i like the baroque, macabre beauty of the setting. I don't think ghostly characters would be boring at all. Many of them DO simply go through the motions of life, sticking with the...
  4. M


    Very true. I suppose that is the difference between simply relying on an attribute and bolstering that attribute with a charm. Charms, by their nature, denote a magical effect. So where as someone could potentially resist say... a charisma/presence roll, that same charisma/presence roll which is...
  5. M

    What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

    It's a theme if the story is intrinsicly about familial relationships and dynamics. Part of what gives a dragonblooded family it's dynamic is the fact that they are, as a family, exalts (although yes, I am aware that there are non exalted family members, however the dragonblooded core explicitly...
  6. M


    Definitely very cool. And certainly an aspect that was made at home in the world of Vampire. The only problem I see is that, not everyone would immediately fall in love that much with someone of such beauty. Some may react negatively, and be inclined to harbour bitter feelings for them. It all...
  7. M

    What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

    Though I can agree with many of your arguments, I would disagree with this particular statement. There are some themes that simply cannot be applied to certain exalt types simply due to the restrictions placed upon them by their environment. Even exalts have their environment and therefore their...
  8. M

    Limit on Hearthstones

    this was really more intended to be a joke. sorry, maybe i should have added a:  :roll:  just to drive that point home. ....
  9. M

    Limit on Hearthstones

  10. M

    What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

    sounds about right to me. Though I have a hard time seeing dragonblooded students sitting through AP Biology in Primary Academy....maybe at the Heptagram though.... there a dragonblooded equivalent to the Tremere's blood magic in Vampire?
  11. M

    What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

    Is there anything that sets down exactly what determines a DB's aspect? I see a lot of problems with this system, because clearly they are not born exalted, but neither are they individually selected like solars are. They are born mortal with the potential to exalt which, if they are going to...
  12. M


    I would definitely be inclined to agree with this. The only problem I see is the description that the appearance attribute is given in the Core book. It is depicted as a measure of pure physical beauty. I'm not sure if Charisma is the attribute most well suited to depicting an aura of gravitas...
  13. M


    wouldn't this be charisma? saying that someone is awesome to meet in person, whether they radiate vast amounts of power, or seem immediately likeable (or scary), could exist regardless of their physical appearance. Someone could be a thoroughly awesome sight and be ugly as sin. I will agree...
  14. M

    What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

    you are correct. my apologies for taking a personal shot. It was, at best, inappropriate. I suppose my entire point is that this shouldn't even be an "argument" as you termed it. I simply posted on a forum and was immediately attacked, having every word picked apart as if I were reliving the...
  15. M

    What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

    word man, you need to relax. I could go on at length abot how pointless this discussion really is, because at the end of it all, i really don't care. it's a game. i enjoy the game, and i'm allowed to have a preference. I do enjoy solars and abyssals. maybe i didn't do a very good job of...
  16. M

    What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

    I would simply say to take a look at Aspect Book: Water and read the story of the exaltation of Tepet Deled. Or read the documentations of the undercover terrestrials during the usurpation. The aspect books detail the lives of some very interesting characters, who are far from the dragonblooded...
  17. M

    What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

    Although I'm definitely partial to the Abyssals, as I really appreciate the Macabre setting, the dragonbloods far surpass even them. Part of the dragonblood appeal is their social relevance. Unlike the solars and lunars, they exist within a social context. They have a world that they have...
  18. M

    How do Fair Folk Effect Creation in Creation

    ok. someone correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the way i understand the effects of shaping in creation: A Raksha who shapes in creation essentially weaves illusions, albeit extremely potent illusions. Potent enough to actually kill someone, if they can be convinced that they are dead...
  19. M

    Advancing the Timeline

    yeah. that's the great thing about the setting They've set up an incredibly rich, detailed background, and you can take it where-ever you wish from there. There could be a civil war break out between the rival houses trying to gain the Scarlet Throne and the characters would never even have to...