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  1. Leosiss

    Fantasy im terrible at titles

    He giggled as he felt the muscles tear from his from his shoulders and new ones grew. "I guess it did..."
  2. Leosiss

    Fantasy im terrible at titles

    He was surprised to see a werewolf, he thought he was the only "Monster" in this village. "I hope my father's genes are with me..." He said to himself as he prepared for her to strike.
  3. Leosiss

    Fantasy im terrible at titles

    Leosiss heard the growl and turned around slowly, not knowing what he'd come face to face with. He was startled.
  4. Leosiss

    Fantasy im terrible at titles

    He knew someone was following him, but he ignored it. He figured that he/she would stop eventually.
  5. Leosiss

    Fantasy im terrible at titles

    Leosiss began to walk out of the village to his home. He has lived alone for a few years now, he just recently moved away from his parents. He walked with his head down and his hands in his hood pocket. Occasionally checking his surroundings.
  6. Leosiss

    Fantasy im terrible at titles

    omg relly
  7. Leosiss

    Fantasy im terrible at titles

    Character: Leosiss Age: 103 Species: Vampire Hair: Long black hair, all up in dah face an shit Eyes: Green Clothing: Hoodies, plaid shirts n shite, jeans mostly black ones, and some krazy ass converse. He also wears this necklace to lower his temptation to suck other's blood...
  8. Leosiss

    Fantasy im terrible at titles

    What u doin??????
  9. Leosiss

    Fantasy im terrible at titles

  10. Leosiss

    Um, Hi.

    Thanks, I kinda felt like I was. cx
  11. Leosiss

    Um, Hi.

    Thanks. c:
  12. Leosiss

    Um, Hi.

    I'm new to Roleplaying and I'm pretty nervous about joining, I don't know why.. I just am. Anyway, I'm Leosiss and just wanted to say hi. ( ^_^ )/