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  1. P

    Keychain #336-340

    Teenagers shaking down random peasants for beer money, I bet
  2. P

    5 MM under the Primordials

    Rather than MM resonating with gods, maybe the gods were created to resonate with the MM? Orichalcum resonates with power and excellence-when you make a god who's the embodiment of those things, Orichacum works for him, and figures into his creation. Likewise, the god/dess who embodies change...
  3. P

    Return of the Scarlet Empress

    The problem with Sidereals, and Kejak specifically, is that they ought to be the Exalts that bend Fate around their fingers. Instead, they let Fate push them around. How the great Great Prophecy should've gone- "We've only got three choices? Nah, those all suck. What else have you got...
  4. P

    Return of the Scarlet Empress

    In Dace's writeup in Scroll of Exalts. It occurred to me re-reading the writeup that the "threadbare ghost" Dace encountered might've been CS's lower soul-they hang around and guard tombs sometimes, right? On the other hand, it's definitely more awesome for the ghost to actually be...
  5. P

    Return of the Scarlet Empress

    There's a pretty good chance Contentious Sword is still around, or was until recently at least. Dace got his Daiklave from an old ghost, in an old tomb somewhere in the Scavenger Lands. It's explicitly the same daiklave that CS carried. Not conclusive, of course, but kind of evocative.
  6. P

    Keychain #286-290

    Actually, I was kind of assuming she'd gotten through that one at the fall of Thorns.
  7. P

    Keychain #286-290

    The key to happiness is being happy with what you do. For instance, take Iron Siaka, the Sidereal Chosen of Serenity on the cover of the siddy book. Her Motivation is to hit creatures of darkness until they stop bothering Creation. Her job affords her tons of time and opportunity to hit said...
  8. P

    Keychain 161 - 165
