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  1. Binarydivide

    Fantasy From Once There Was. [Accepting]

    Philip Abime Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 28 Chapter: Maegus Outrider Aether/Arcana: Kori; manifesting itself as icy seawater that flows in his veins rather than blood; as of late, its grip on him has grown stronger, and his features have begun to pale and soften, like a drowned...
  2. Binarydivide

    Realistic or Modern Generic Average Superheros

    anyone still around?
  3. Binarydivide

    Realistic or Modern Generic Average Superheros

    Thank you, both of you.
  4. Binarydivide

    Realistic or Modern Generic Average Superheros

    Just had an unfortunate but expected piece of news. Estranged group of friends has now decided to cut ties entirely. Feeling fairly down, so I'll likely pass on the next couple of scenes.
  5. Binarydivide

    Realistic or Modern Generic Average Superheros

    sorry if my character seemed a little OP in this, just wanted to portray the power diffenrece between someone who's new and someone who's had a good amount of time to work out how to get the best out of their powers.
  6. Binarydivide

    Realistic or Modern Generic Average Superheros

    His smile did not fade, though it did diminish. His eyes remained half-lidded as she grabbed his shirt and spat threats in his face. An extraordinarily perceptive person might have noticed a faint bulging of his neck beneath his chin. As it was, she likely only realised her mistake when he...
  7. Binarydivide

    Realistic or Modern Generic Average Superheros

    He placed his hands behind his head and streched,-basking in the sunlight for a moment before he answered, eyes half-shut and a smile on his lips. "In the short term, nothing at all. You'll just be ignorant, and alone. Stuck in a way of life that is not very willing to give second chances if you...
  8. Binarydivide

    Realistic or Modern Generic Average Superheros

    It was always a risk with powers, the fact that you could never be certain of their true extent. For instance, Thorne seemed physically incapable of meeting his eyes, which combined with her near-perpetual quivering, made her seem quite pathetic. Of course, it might well be a carefully crafted...
  9. Binarydivide

    Realistic or Modern Generic Average Superheros

    "Thorne, then." There were worse names, especially within her own little niche of the cape scene. At least she managed to avoid all the obvious puns. From his bound position on the bench, he said. "A little advisory, before you do something you might regret. Unless you have a power that lets you...
  10. Binarydivide

    Realistic or Modern Generic Average Superheros

    He approached the bench and sat. Hopefully her sophistry indicated acceptance. If it didn't, then a combination of pufferfish and lizard should do the trick. It would be unfortunate to kill her, but he wasn't about to become this woman's prey anytime soon. "Really? How interesting. I tend to...
  11. Binarydivide

    Realistic or Modern Generic Average Superheros

    He smiled languidly, indeed, if humans had vocal cords capable of purring in satisfaction, he would have been. As it is, he'd never been terribly fond of cat, and the low-light vision wasn't worth the increased visibility. Not while there was an asian supermarket in the city which still sold...
  12. Binarydivide

    Realistic or Modern Generic Average Superheros

    The world is an arrangement of questions and answers. In this street, on this hour, the question was the same as it always was when Martin looked across the grey faces of humanity, wrapped around so tightly with instincts and petty insanities it's a wonder that an independant thought ever...
  13. Binarydivide

    Realistic or Modern Generic Average Superheros

    Alright, well let's get this going. @Quiet Is Violent, fancy a villian on villian scene? Looks like your nervous little flower needs a lesson on the proper behaviour of predators.
  14. Binarydivide

    Realistic or Modern Generic Average Superheros

    Thought I'd say hi after dropping my character app. apologies if I've crashed an invite-only by mistake.
  15. Binarydivide

    Realistic or Modern Generic Average Superheros

    Martin Blanc Age: 24 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Aliases: Butcher; Wendigo during psychotic breaks Alignment: Villain {slide=Powers}Analysis power [detect strengths and weaknesses, both mental and physical - limited to biological entities]; ability to absorb traits of...
  16. Binarydivide

    Futuristic Closed Off

    hopefully my post should give the others a bit of a jumping in point.
  17. Binarydivide

    Futuristic Sealed In With A Beast

    Markus slowly progressed down the corridor, stained red both by the emergency lighting and faint trickles of blood in his wake. Most of his blood-flow had been shunted away from the damaged areas, but enough remained to trickle out of him, forming a pungent trail behind him. Hopefully this...
  18. Binarydivide

    Futuristic Closed Off

    MARKUS NEUMANN Full Name: "Markus Yuri Neumann. Core Systems Engineer sub-designation Biological. Crewident 0-2513-4372." Nickname: "If we must. 'Gargarin'. What the nanite wranglers call me wouldn't make it past the censors. Age: "27, Sol Standard. Higher clearance is...