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  1. Khirina

    One Piece: The Odd Ones Out! [Sign-Up]

    Name: Mikayla (goes by Kayla) Age: 19 Devil Fruit Power ( If Any ): Neko-neko-no-mi (Zoan) Model Black Panther Appearance:
  2. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    "Thanks," Kayla said to Myko as she sniffled. She frowned at the idea of a battle with marines as she stared out over the water and eyed the mist. Her eyes went from the thief, covered in flour, to Myko covered in flour, to the deck of the flour covered ship, and then she eyed her own flour...
  3. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    Kayla watched the cook limp over to the ropes she climbed and listened carefully to So-do's song. "I'll need to take a close look at her leg," she mumbled to no one in particular. Then she perked at the mention of the waiting marines. "Wonderful. First a noisy, annoying thief and now the...
  4. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    Kayla paused when she heard Lilith speak. "Now that you mention it, I haven't heard any in quite some time. I don't see any other ships either." Her last statement wasn't so unbelievable since there was a mist beginning to settle on the top of the water inside the cove. Kayla tapped into her...
  5. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    Kayla continued glaring as Myko grabbed her writs and drug her away from the musician. "Oh come on! I'll only kill him once, I swear," she said in a low growl. She tugged against his grip to go after the other man once more but his grip held firm on her wrist. She sighed, "Fine," and then...
  6. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    Kayla's face immediately fell into an intense glare as she was groped and grabbed by So-do once again. she stood there, her annoyance completely obvious on her face yet she didn't move. She didn't even twitch. When he turned to frisk the thief, she glared at the back of his head and slowly...
  7. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    "Touch me again and I have a needle with your name on it," she said sweetly to So-do with an oddly creepy grin. "And most guys think more than a hand full is waste. To each his own I suppose," she continued with a shrug, sending a bit of flour dust from her hair and shoulders floating down to...
  8. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    Kayla stared blankly at the tied up girl. She was bothered by the fact that she had lost so much control a few moments ago. She's just an immature brat. I won't let her get to me again. She raised an eyebrow when Myko started taking photos and adjusting the girls clothing. Then, as...
  9. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    Kayla snapped to her senses when she felt Mykos hands on hers, removing her hands from the girl. His voice was oddly soothing to her. She quickly shoved her anger down and released the girl from the deck as Myko tied her to the mast. She walked over to Mykos side, opposite Vero, and waited...
  10. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    Kayla straddled the girl so she would have no shots at her still aching ribs. With the final insult, Kayla snapped and thrust her hand around the girls throat, squeezing and cutting off her air supply. "You have a big mouth for such a tiny whelp," she growled dangerously, her eyes showing more...
  11. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    Kayla coughed as the flour fell around her. She too was covered in the white dust and like the girl, her emerald eyes were all that truly stood out. "At least I have a chest to speak of, runt!" she growled. Kayla saw her opportunity as the girl admired the now flour covered deck and sprung...
  12. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    Kayla was about to demand the woman let her examine the injured leg when the thief made an appearance. The girl grabbed a bag of flour and bolted for the door. Kayla rushed at her in almost the same instant and touched the bag of flour just as the door slammed in her face. Kayla stumbled...
  13. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    ...women, the she hadn't been introduced to yet was trapped beneath the fridge. She knelt beside her, "You alright?" she asked the injured female. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ So-do sat on a flight of stairs watching the whole scene play out with an amused stare. From the initial start of the chase...
  14. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    Kayla heard the bag drop on the deck after the second shot was fired. She sat on her knees with and looked to where the girl had fled just as the door to the kitchen slammed shut. Suddenly, Myko was right next to her. She stared at him, mild shock in her emerald eyes, "Yea I'm fine. Just got...
  15. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    Kayla grunted as she not only hit the deck rather hard but the girls feet landed in her stomach knocking the wind out of her. The grip she had on the bag loosened and she felt the bag being drug away once the girl had stepped off of her. Her instinct told her to roll over. She rolled and...
  16. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    Kayla grinned as the girl spun out of her attack. She's fast too. When the thief maneuvered around and behind her, she turned her head enough to see her opponent. The bag of loot was suddenly being flung directly at the back of her head. Kayla's eyes widened a little as she tried to think of...
  17. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    Kayla eyed the thief, noting the bag and her hesitant glances toward the others. The right moment to take the girl off guard was all she needed. She shifted her position to a half standing one, but still crouched and ready to pounce. She slowly drew another dagger hoping maybe to cut the bag...
  18. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    Kayla finally gained her composure and looked around to get hold of the current situation. She saw Myko still trying to recover from his collision and then being whacked with his bag of loot. The loot. Where is the thief? She looked around to find the girl and then felt the ship jerk into...
  19. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    Kayla didn't have a minute to think or even dodge as she was hit hard by something rather solid. She collapsed to the deck in a heap of limbs and a tuft of red hair in her mouth. There was a pain in her back as she landed on something that wasn't as flat as the deck. What did I land on? She...
  20. Khirina

    One Piece: The New Age [RP]

    Kayla felt the girls foot connect with her leg and she stumbled. She half side stepped and caught her balance quickly. As she did, she noticed Myko on top of the thieving girl and twitched. She's trying to rob us blind and he's lounging on top of her like she's his new girlfriend. Kayla...