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  1. Zevita

    Character sign ups for; First Steps

    Oh dammit. It cut it off, I will remake this I guess
  2. Zevita

    Slave RP Anyone?

    Yeah xD Good point
  3. Zevita

    Slave RP Anyone?

    Well.. If I had to pick between him and Patrick, at least he still have some brains lmao.
  4. Zevita

    Is there something you really want to play out?

    Is there something you really want to play out?
  5. Zevita

    Slave RP Anyone?

    Oh I am just working over time here at the moment xD Brothers home due to School Holidays so. More wooork xD Either way yes. I just need to try and get my brain working after being stuck with Spongebob on my screen most of the day
  6. Zevita

    Slave RP Anyone?

    I know that would be so cool! Anyway I am on longer for a bit now before tea time which I will have to prep so. Hopefully things will move along (And stuff can be continued on our end)
  7. Zevita

    Slave RP Anyone?

    Alright, I am looking forward to it :)
  8. Zevita

    Slave RP Anyone?

    Alright, ah I see miss-assumption on my part sorry. Either way I was fine with being a Master.
  9. Zevita

    I don't mind if on the contrary you don't mind me doing so for you. Should try and start...

    I don't mind if on the contrary you don't mind me doing so for you. Should try and start something. I will be happy to put the first interest in :3
  10. Zevita

    Haha. I don't really have a continuous amount of people I speak to their really. So I figured I...

    Haha. I don't really have a continuous amount of people I speak to their really. So I figured I will look around. I needed something to work my brain anyway
  11. Zevita

    owo I will be your shield no worries xD I sort of replaced the site we were on for thos a lot...

    owo I will be your shield no worries xD I sort of replaced the site we were on for thos a lot really, this and another.
  12. Zevita

    Slave RP Anyone?

    Nope that is perfectly fine with me, you need to forgive me for a slow reply, roughly this time I am sleeping (Occassionally) But in furture cases I will give you a heads up. Anyway I am going to start with my Master character, brief quick question; Male or Female Master? Actually I jumped...
  13. Zevita

    Mind you I felt like that too, very intimidated hah. I just had to throw myself out there.

    Mind you I felt like that too, very intimidated hah. I just had to throw myself out there.
  14. Zevita

    Awh you could always do something with me xD I don't bite.

    Awh you could always do something with me xD I don't bite.
  15. Zevita

    Awh~ It is okay! The generous welcome nice enough. I look forward to when we do, let me know if...

    Awh~ It is okay! The generous welcome nice enough. I look forward to when we do, let me know if you have any interests and such that you'd like to get roleplayers in, I would love to check them out.
  16. Zevita

    New day. Perhaps new people await? I could try and start something.. Not sure what though

    New day. Perhaps new people await? I could try and start something.. Not sure what though
  17. Zevita

    Thank you~ I hope to see you around and perhaps chat more with you.

    Thank you~ I hope to see you around and perhaps chat more with you.
  18. Zevita

    Hehe. -Is pounced as she hugged her- Sorry was doing my Master post > < If you follow my...

    Hehe. -Is pounced as she hugged her- Sorry was doing my Master post > < If you follow my postings you will find it :)
  19. Zevita

    Slave RP!

    Name: Malum Nickname: Mal Gender: Female Species: Demon Age: Real: 120. Looks: 20 Likes: Playing with the Humans, teasing and being comical (To the humans around her), those that are tall and wolves. Dislikes: Being told what to do, secreatly hates confliction with others, those...
  20. Zevita

    Found yooou~ x3

    Found yooou~ x3