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  1. Witch of Time *FireFly*


    Nathanial- He nodded. "Yes, quite. All on my lonesome. I was just out buying groceries, that's... That's why I have groceries." He smiled awkwardly and adjusted his hat. "What, uh, what might I ask is a young lady such as yourself doing out here on your own? Don't you have anyone missing you?"...
  2. Witch of Time *FireFly*


    Carina- The neko looked at the stranger with distaste while her owner spoke. "This is Ms. Ebony." Said the elder. "She's here to take a look at you." Carina's ears pulled back against her head and she snorted. "No." She turned and tromped back up the stairs, tail flicking back and forth. Her...
  3. Witch of Time *FireFly*


    Carina- The door was answered by a little old lady, who smiled at Ebony. "Hello, dear, you must be the buyer." Carina groaned when she heard her owner call her name. She hauled herself out of bed, going downstairs with hair still unbrushed and pajamas still in place. "What?"
  4. Witch of Time *FireFly*


    Nathanial- He held out his hand, offering a handshake. "Nathanial Kiel. The pleasure's all mine." He smiled encouragingly, hoping to show that he meant her no harm. He knew that more often than not, vampires were very cruel to the other species they kept as pets. His family had owned a few...
  5. Witch of Time *FireFly*


    Nathanial- Tap, tap, tap. Nathanial's boots tapped against the sidewalk as he walked along, hands tucked into the pockets of his long, patched-up coat. He was almost shabby looking, dressed in worn clothes that looked to be expensive at one time. He stuck out like a sore thumb with his big...
  6. Witch of Time *FireFly*


    Name: Carina Hail Age: 19 Owner/Slave: Slave (If SLAVE) Species: Neko Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img...
  7. Witch of Time *FireFly*


    ((Yes hello can we have two characters?))
  8. Witch of Time *FireFly*

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Nox~ The pirate raised an eyebrow. "Lady Nocturne? Considering the similarities in our names, I have to assume that Lady Nocturne would be my ancestor, no? Tell me about her."
  9. Witch of Time *FireFly*

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Nox~ She glanced over to the elderly gentleman. "Hey. Are you going to get to telling us why we're here?" She asked, tipping her hat back a little.
  10. Witch of Time *FireFly*

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Nox~ She hummed in approval of the violent tale, "Very nice." Nox chewed on the nail of her thumb, eyes flicking between the two of them before settling on Alexandria. "Sure, darlin', take it off. Like I said, no complaints from me."
  11. Witch of Time *FireFly*

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Nox~ Camila gave a soft chuckle. "For a grunt, you're awfully funny. Sure you're not some mischievous rabble-rouser?" She teased. Nox tilted her chair back on two legs, kicking her boot-covered feet up onto the table.
  12. Witch of Time *FireFly*

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Nox~ Nox took his hand, giving it a shake. Her handshake was very firm, hand calloused from the rough and tumble life she led. "The pleasure's all mine, Artorias." She glanced back at Alexandria. "Relax, doll." She replied. "Just poking a little bit of fun."
  13. Witch of Time *FireFly*

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Nox~ Camila watched with interest as the 'lady' began to undo her dress. "Didn't know we'd be getting a show, too." She said. "I thought you were a lady, not a lady of the night if you get what I'm saying." She waggled her eyebrows again. "Not that I'm complaining."
  14. Witch of Time *FireFly*

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Nox~ The Dread Pirate placed a hand over her mouth, laughing. "I didn't know they taught their knights to be so damn sarcastic over there." She smirked, lowering her hand. "The name's Nox. Or Captain Nox if you prefer to be formal. But just Nox will do."
  15. Witch of Time *FireFly*

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Nox~ "Uuugh, whatever." She dragged herself over to the table and slid into the seat next to Artorias. "Arsenian grunt, huh?" She waggled her eyebrows at him. "I sunk one of Arsenia's ships last week. Did ya' hear about it? Did ya'? How famous am I in Arsenia?"
  16. Witch of Time *FireFly*

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    "Why should I?" She challenged. "My gun full of broken glass says that you should just point me back to my ship, because I'm definitely not a hero. If I was a Hero of The Isles or whatever, the Isles would be screwed."
  17. Witch of Time *FireFly*

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Nox~ Nox rolled forward, hopping to her feet and pulling her gun from its holster. She chuckled at the man's words, relaxing a little. "Hero? Me? Nah. I think you've got the wrong girl old man." She said, tucking her blunderbuss away. "Is there an exit around here?"
  18. Witch of Time *FireFly*

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Nox ~ Captain Nox grinned at her first mate as she leaned against the railing of her ship. "What do you think? Best treasure hunt ever?" He snorted and nodded in agreement. "You bet, Cap'n." He said. "Where are we off to next?" "I'll go get the map from my cabin, just a moment." She turned...
  19. Witch of Time *FireFly*

    The Clock Strikes Four: Character Sign up.

    Full Name- Camila "Nox" Bianchi Age- Twenty-Three Class- Pirate Birthland/Race- The Isles Personality- She's difficult and enjoys pushing buttons and testing people. Camila enjoys teasing people, especially those she's close to. She's gifted at manipulation, using any means necessary...
  20. Witch of Time *FireFly*

    Oh man I haven't been on this site in ages jfc

    Oh man I haven't been on this site in ages jfc