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  1. Countess Amaya

    TV & Film Was it a waste?

    Hahahaha thank long as there isn't any sparkly fairies I'll probably enjoy it.
  2. Countess Amaya

    TV & Film Was it a waste?

    I bought the whole Vampire Diaries series (for like $23). And I want to know who thinks I wasted my money (well who thinks my aunt wasted her money). They were an early Christmas gift........should I be excited to read it? P.S. I never watched the series
  3. Countess Amaya

    -offers you a cookie-

    @ Todd / Hello!!! :) @ Pai / Supernatural type RPs (I hate twilight), Modern, school, almost anything really Black Drooling over Sesshomaru and my very dear friend Count Damian @ Hexed / I can't wait either @Akihito / All different kinds and thank you! @ ALL / very laggy computer...
  4. Countess Amaya


  5. Countess Amaya

    -offers you a cookie-

    Hello everyone! I am Countess Amaya and I am here because my friend introduced me to the site when I told HE (hauntingechoes) was shutting down. I hope to make many new friends and RP partners!