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    Summer Vacation

    Ash Autopsy // Hey sorry this is such a late post ive been kinda not in the mood to roleplay for the past week, trouble with relationships and stuff /: Brandon asked Sage what was wrong because he actually really cared. She looked like she was in so much pain. He panicked and asked someone to...
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    Summer Vacation

    Destiny showed up in their drive way and honked the horn. She popped her head out of the window and looked to see if anyone was home. "Hmmmm... Maybe they didnt hear me?" She muttered to herself. She texted Scarlett to see where they are. Dumb-founded that she didnt even knock she saw Scarlett...
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    Summer Vacation

    Ash Autopsy //omg i forgot @____@ ill edit it
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    Summer Vacation

    Destiny got overwhelmed by everything happening at once. She told everyone to get into the beach house while she drives to get scarlett and mikey.
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    Summer Vacation

    Destiny screamed in joy seeing Erabella. She couldnt remember the last time she hung out with her. She also looked over at Jarren. He did come off as a pervert but he's cute!!! She held her thoughts in and smiled back at Erabella.
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    Summer Vacation

    Destiny yelled at Connor to drive faster and everyone started bustling up a commotion. They soon arrived at the beach house not too long after noon. Sage pointed out Erabella and Destiny bursted out a excited "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!"
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    Summer Vacation

    "oh.... its alright" He wraps his arms around her.
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    Summer Vacation

    He leans over trying to comfort her. "Theres something wrong. Loook were almost at the house once were there you need to go to the doctors."
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    Summer Vacation

    "Was it the food?" Brandon asks kind of worried. He looks at her and stared in her eyes. He obviously tell she doesnt look so well and frowns.
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    I am on my roleplay right now :P

    I am on my roleplay right now :P
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    Summer Vacation

    Brandon looks at Sage and gives her a "try to hard" smile. He feels awful for making her think bad of him but hes not sure how to say sorry. He never felt the need to. He seemed to notice Kat though. Which made Destiny slightly mad. She knows how Kat works and unfortunatley how Brandon functions...
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    Summer Vacation

    Destiny chuckles lightly and understand Sage's unrest and disgust.
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    Summer Vacation

    Destiny told everyone to hurry up becuase she got a text from erabella that theyre already at the house. Everyone rushes into the van and Destiny tells Kat about how brandon is selfish and inconsiderate and never settles down. Hes usually a one night stand kind of guy. But then she got side...
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    Summer Vacation

    Xx-Katherine-xX //accepted :b "looking good Kat (;, and oh him. Thats Brandon. He's a jerk." She rolls her eyes sickingly.
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    Summer Vacation

    "HEYYYY KITTYYY KAT!!!" Destiny waves sporatically out the window and Brandon rolls his eyes. Excited she jumps out of the car and runs up to hug Kat but slightly hesitates because shes only in her bra. "Seems like youve been stripping for Jake again?" She chuckles.
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    Summer Vacation

    missnoblerose //Accepted ^____^ nomnomcrash //accepted Xx-Katherine-xX //accepted but please create a guy to accompany your girl --- Merged Double Post --- Destiny suggests that they sleep instead of drive all night and then the next day theyll stop to pick up the rest of the group. She...
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    The war that changed us forever. (Character sheet)

    Name- Darius Age- 16 (stopped aging) actual age 149 Species- vampire Crush- none Boyfriend/Girlfriend- none but wants a girlfriend Wife/Husband- none and doesnt beleive hell ever find love Children- none Personality- very depressed. He longs for a place to fit in and have people...
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    The war that changed us forever.

    ill join (:
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    Summer Vacation

    //great ^_____^ hahaha we need more people thanks!!! (:
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    The only role play im in is the one i created

    The only role play im in is the one i created