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  1. BishopandBarton

    Fandom The Rift

    Kate turned around for a spilt second as something moved in the corner of her eye, a flicker of light. Maybe it was a snowflake or something...... What was that? "Did you guys see something back there?"
  2. BishopandBarton

    Fandom The Rift

    "When you hold me, in your arms so tight, you let me know- everything's alright" Kate quietly grinned to herself as they continued to travel, recognizing the tune from one of her dad's old records.
  3. BishopandBarton

    Fandom The Rift

    Kate gritted her teeth and clenched her bow as they started to move, small flecks of snow biting at her arms and senses. The cold was starting to get boring and numb to her which was slightly stupid.
  4. BishopandBarton

    Fandom The Rift

    Resisting the urge to roll her eyes before pulling her phone out and checking for signal Kate gave a little sigh. "No 3g or WiFi or anything here." She quietly murmured to herself.
  5. BishopandBarton

    Fandom The Rift

    "Nah" Kate replied pulling herself up onto the snow dozer with triumph as her freezing body reluctantly allowed her movement. "And where I'm going? No idea, I just got here but if it's no trouble I wouldn't mind a lift. Hawkeye II of Shield" She then nodded, before looking for somewhere to sit.
  6. BishopandBarton

    Fandom The Rift

    Kate smacked Deadpool round the head using the back of her hand with annoyance as he seemed to drift to his own little world "Do you mind? I mean what the hell are you talking about anyway and where are you going?"
  7. BishopandBarton

    Hi there

    Thank you!
  8. BishopandBarton

    Fandom The Rift

    Kate expertly raised an eyebrow before shaking her head. It was one of those things you got taught when you were little, don't go into strange snow dozers with strangers or go into a unbooked cab after you've been partying and do on. "Wait who was the other guy?" She managed, realising that...
  9. BishopandBarton

    Fandom The Rift

    Kate numbly went for another arrow as noise flooded her senses. "Spice girls.......?" She groaned, tightening the string in her bow and stepping back a bit, into another blindingly cold snow drift. Was this hell? If it was hell then it was allot colder than she'd imagined before and a small...
  10. BishopandBarton

    Hi there

    Hi, I'm BishopandBarton (points if you know what Marvel Now series I'm referencing to) and I've been role-playing for roughly a year now, thankfully I'm better than when I started. I enjoy sci-fi and fandom role-playing the best but if I'm ever intrigued by something I'll take a look and expand...
  11. BishopandBarton

    Fandom The Rift

    No sign of life still..... Kate hummed a tune without pattern or melody as she determinedly marched forward, pushing against what seemed like a wall of snow and cold air that relentlessly forced her back. Should she fire a flare arrow and see if anyone noticed? Nah. However five slow minutes...
  12. BishopandBarton

    Fandom The Rift

    The snow that she walked on crunched under Kate's black boots. This wasn't like the snow in New York where even if you got up as early as you could someone else would always be there to leave thier own foot prints before you could. Thinking of New York, where was she? Kate could remember where...
  13. BishopandBarton

    The Rift

    She's probably somewhere near your character
  14. BishopandBarton

    Fandom The Rift

    A chilling wind blew Kate's long dark hair in spirals that drifted north to where the wind was blowing as she stood alone. Gripping her bow like a safety blanket she chattered her teeth before slowly starting to trudge onwards, hoping for the infernal wind to stop and possibly pizza. It was a...
  15. BishopandBarton

    The Rift

    Character Sheet (CS) Name: Kate Bishop/Hawkeye II Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Biography: Kate Bishop grew up as the youngest daughter of a rich Manhattanite family. Her father was emotionally distant and busy with work while her mother died while she was still young. Though...