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  1. Pashune

    Colosseum Gladiators: Shadow of Death

    Name: Tetraties Age: 26 Height: 6'2 Weight: 230 Class: Retiarius Appearance: partially armoured with an arm guard that covered part of their shoulder and chest. Stats: Strength:10 Dexterity: 10 Swiftness: 10 Stamina: 15 Clutch: 15 Redirect Notice
  2. Pashune

    Realistic or Modern A New Dawn

    Name: Samuel Fuller Code Name: Sam Age: 24 Weight: 250 Height: 6'3 Sex: Male Discipline or style of hand to hand: Navy Seals Training Favorite melee weapon: SOG Seal knife Favorite primary weapon: Scar H (Holographic sight) Favorite side arm: Beretta Pistol Favorite...
  3. Pashune

    Realistic or Modern When the Dead Returns

    His heart was racing, Edward had been face to face with a dozen of those creatures. Adrenaline racing through his vains as he walked through his front door, what was he thinking helping this random guy. For all he knew he could be a psycho, or a serial killer, it was just in Edwards nature to...
  4. Pashune

    Realistic or Modern When the Dead Returns

    "There we go!", Edward said as he seen the young man glance his way. This was going better then he thought, though this time he wasn't gonna let his patient die. "Wait, what are you doing", he said to him self as the man stopped where he stood". Then out of no where he began to sprint almost...
  5. Pashune

    Realistic or Modern When the Dead Returns

    "Food, Check, Water, check, ammo, check." Edward said as he chuckled to himself, he wished this was all a dream but he had a feeling that it wasn't. How could he find humor in this sort of situation. Slinging his bag to his back, he grabbed his silenced 9 mm and holstered it. He, wasn't sure if...
  6. Pashune

    Realistic or Modern When the Dead Returns

    Edward woke up early this morning. He got up, showered and dressed. This day was supposed to be like any other day, now that he was in the reserves he didn't have much to do at home. As he was just about to turn on the TV he heard a loud scream. "Someone help me!" It was a woman's voice. Edward...
  7. Pashune

    When the Dead Returns

  8. Pashune

    When the Dead Returns

  9. Pashune

    When the Dead Returns

    Quick note, my character is in uniform because he was still in the military when it all fell apart. Assigned to protect a place where his squad eventually died .
  10. Pashune

    When the Dead Returns

    Name: Edward Jones Age: 30 Personality : Edward is well trained. Even though he was a medic, he still has the training of any other marine. He is smart, a leader of sorts. Will take a bullet for the innocent. Former Occupation: marine medic. rounded doctor, he could perform surgery if he...
  11. Pashune

    Fantasy Vagabond: Dream and Valor

    Rylde began to walk with Axlen towards the Rouke warrior faction. As they looked on he noticed that they were celebrating. He was instantly disgusted at the fact that they were celebrating the capturing of innocent villages. Rylde then knew that he would have to put a stop to this mutiny. They...
  12. Pashune

    Vagabond: Dream and Valor

    Ok cool
  13. Pashune

    Vagabond: Dream and Valor

    Come on people let's post!!
  14. Pashune

    Fantasy Vagabond: Dream and Valor

    Rylde could smell the camp fire as he followed Axlen, he knew they were getting close. As they approached the camp from the forest he could see the other hunters talking amongst each other. "Hello comrad..." Rylde began to say as the other hunters drew their weapons. They didn't lower their...
  15. Pashune

    Vagabond: Dream and Valor

    Name: Rylde Londyth Alias: Eye of Medusa Age: 32 Birthday: 04/12 Personality: A man who you can trust to see things through. If a task is left in his hands, he will see that it will be handled in the utmost care. He doesn't go back on his word either, no matter what, but that is why he...
  16. Pashune

    How long? (TheRp)

    Dan had a feeling she was being sarcastic and didn't want to tell him something "ok then he said as he began to bring the wood over to her.
  17. Pashune

    How long? (TheRp)

    "Right...are you feeling fine" He said as he started to collect wood for paddles.
  18. Pashune

    How long? (TheRp)

    (Have fun guys) Dan got out of the boat and took a look around." I knew something like this would happen" He walked up to Lily. "so what are we supposed to do now".
  19. Pashune

    Naruto: Contract for Outcasts OOC

    I have made the necessary changes.
  20. Pashune

    How long? (TheRp)

    "I knew this would happen" He turned back towards the island as he heard some thunder roar above his head. "Well i geuss we beter start swimming back" He looked at them waiting for them to make a decision.