Search results for query: *

  1. H

    The Wanderers {Open}

    "Hello!" Henry called while standing at the front desk. She giggled at Pauls strange, but sweet happiness. She wandered how many other people lived here. She felt a jolt of exitment go through her when she thought about how many people she could meet in New York.
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    The Wanderers {Open}

    "Yes, I am" Henry smiled. "Is there someone I must talk to?" She shifted her weight to her left foot and smiled.
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    The Wanderers {Open}

    "Hi Luke and Paul, Im Henry." She smiled. "You must be a musician." She said nodding her head at Luke's guitar.
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    The Wanderers {Open}

    ((YayI got accepted!!!)) Henry arrived to the home on her motorcycle. She smiled at the site of a guy playing his guitar on the car. She touched the camera around her neck. She wanted to take her picture, but she knew better than to take a photo of someone without asking. "Hi!" She called out...
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    The Wave Has Come (open and accepting! Romance/Dooms-day)

    ((I love the sound of that. Could Tyler be someone who used to go to highschool with Belle, but she never payed attention, because he was absent alot?)) Tyler walked along the street with his old back pack. He looked down on the ground trying not to cry. He remembered his fathers word "Men don't...
  6. H

    The Wave Has Come (open and accepting! Romance/Dooms-day)

    Name: JasonTyler Waters. Goes by Jason to close friends, but mostly goes by Tyler Appearance: Crush: None yet.. ;) Age: 18 Personality: Tyler is very restricting. He is harder to get through to. Heshares little about any past. He goes through dramatic mood swings so he doesn’treally...
  7. H

    The Wanderers {Open}

    (Was wondering if I could join???) Name: Henry (I am a girl, but I go by amale name. My real full name is Hayley Kerstan Jacobs) Appearance Age(17-24 please):18 Wanderer or native?:Wanderer If a Wanderer, what is the characters dream?: A photographer, but I secretly love to sing and I...
  8. H

    Random Original RPs 1x1

    Hey I would love to do bestfriends fxf or straight. Pm me please!! :)
  9. H

    Lets Make The Story! [SIGN UP!] (Accepting) OOC Thread

    Just wandering. Im new to this particular roleplaying site do I just reply like I am now with the form?
  10. H

    Retribution or Rehabilitation?

    Should our government choose rehabilitation over our standard retribution sytem. Tell me what you think.
  11. H

    Can religion and gays go together?

    I find myself in situations where people do not beleive that I am a lesbian christian.To them It isn't practical. They say that the two are enemies. Do they have to be. Doesn't God love all, and aren't gays just looking for equality. To me if the two came together it would be them against all...
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    1x1 Rolplays Wanted, but Hello!

    Hi I am Henry. I am a girl, but go by a guys name. I am a lesbian so am open to fxf roleplays, but don't have to do those if it isn'twanted. I prefer to do realistic roleplays, and will not do any kind of fantasy. I also prefer to be the male or the masculine role in my roleplays. I can be...
  13. H

    Looking for 1x1 roleplays.

    Hi I am Henry. I am a girl, but go by a guys name. I am a lesbian so am open to fxf roleplays, but don't have to do those if it isn'twanted. I prefer to do realistic roleplays, and will not do any kind of fantasy. I also prefer to be the male or the masculine role in my roleplays. I can be...