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  1. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    (Sorry folks but this battle is coming to an end. Things here have gone totally over the edge as some people have become overt with the type of RP being regulated upon this event. Again, this RP has come to a halt, thank you for playing and have a wonderful day.)
  2. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Darrius proclaims, "We fight for a righteous cause, one that you may never understand in the making! If we are doomed, why has all of Atria united against you?! If we are doomed, how come I see an army of my countrymen fighting in defiance of oppression and destruction?! You, Aimar, have always...
  3. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    The Emperor would be thrown back and off his mount by the blast, his horse running in horror, being spared a gruesome fate from the Dremora Lord. He would look up at the monstrosity that had befallen the Atrian forces. He mutters, "Have the Gods come to fight this battle themselves? If Aimar...
  4. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    The priestesses of Nanthleene would be forming walls of water to block the fireballs from the cultists and battlemages, preventing the enemy from using their offensive spells upon the Atrian soldiers as they move in at their Emperor's command. The priestesses of Cyithrel would be going around...
  5. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    As Darrius fights the demons and the undead, he would spot the Dremora Lord approach. Seeing a new opportunity arise, he orders his priesthood to attack. The Priestesses of Nanthleene going after the Aimar Cultists and the rest in aiding their allies in the fight. The Emperor looks towards the...
  6. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    As the Atrian forces would be taking a beating from the attack, suddenly the Emperor and his bodyguards would charge in right into the Obsidian Citadel. He would raise his sword into the air and with his magical prowess, calls upon the Gods for aid, empowering his forces with the ability to...
  7. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Darrius would watch as the Justicars entered the inner city, ordering the Imperial Army forward with the Justicars. "Gods be with us." Said Darrius as he watched the carnage ensue. Soldiers running across the rubble to attack the undead. His hopes were counting on the Justicars to get the job...
  8. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Darrius would order the priesthood to prepare for what is to come. The priestesses of Nanthleene would be ordered to gather water in waterskins for every single priestess for their power would be needed in the fight soon to come. The Emperor would approach Dante with the next set of orders. "It...
  9. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    After the bombardment comes to a close, Darrius moves his forces forward in support of the Justicars. They would sweep the streets clean of any remaining undead and would check the towers for any undead that would shoot at them from the towers and the sweep continues from there.
  10. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Nods as Alaric left for the fleet. He turns to observe the armies moving forward into the city. First the Justicars and Imperial swordsmen, followed by the Imperial cavalry and everyone else. He would issue more orders for patrols to be assimilated once the outer city is secured. He releases a...
  11. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Darrius looks to Alaric, gesturing to the ships. "Signal King Rasten's forces to land. We need everyone to claim the outer city. Order Dante's Justicars to move into the city along with our swordsmen and clear out any remaining undead. Bring up your forces and I'll bring in mine behind the...
  12. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Darrius proclaims, "Get them into position. Once the Justicars are out of range, have the archers pull back. Signal the fleet to bring down the main wall and the towers around the west gate. Hopefully we can take down the west gate as well." Would nod as he gave his order for the signal to be given.
  13. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    The Emperor sighs, holding his hand in front of his face, shaking his head. "You are right. I was wrong to attack the walls too soon." He turns to Alaric. "Call off the attack and have Dante pull out of range of the archers. Pull everyone back until we can surround the city entirely." He turns...
  14. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Darrius sees Dante requesting reinforcements and signals four units of Armoured Sergeants to support the Justicars in their attack as well as signalling for Stufalin's mercenaries to advance in support of the Justicars. "Alaric, those Justicars are in need of help. I just hope I didn't send them...
  15. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Darrius would state, "Have a contingent of spearmen move to the hill to protect the cannons as they are brought up along with cavalry to protect the flanks. Have the Justicars advance on the first line of defense with cover fire from the pavise crossbows and have them fix siege emplacements at...
  16. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    As Alaric and his men are the first to land, the Emperor sends his forces with himself leading them. He would land upon the shore, sinking his scalemail boots into the sand and look around as the soldiers landed and began fortifying the ruins and setting a perimeter in the treeline. He would...
  17. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Emperor Darrius would be overseeing the invasion take place just after the vision passes, he would turn to his men. "There is a saying that has been past down to me: Soldiers only die once, cowards a thousand times over; Men, we step into the bowels of hell to rid this world of evil. Once and...
  18. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Darrius exits the command tent to assemble all invasion forces and for them to embark for Theradas with the plans set for the assault. The Emperor would order for the fleet to start bombarding the city with the set targets. Darrius would then give the official order to board the ships and set...
  19. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Darrius moves his hand over the area of the inner city. "If you can wreck havoc upon the inner city with those weapons, it would make an assault against the citadel much easier. A matter that concerns me is what horrors await us when we enter the killing fields. And I'm sure it isn't outside the...
  20. Darrius of Ursikra

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Would turn his attention to Stufalin (assuming it was him that spoke about capturing an undead) nodding. "A good general understands and knows of his enemy and his plans. If we were to capture one of the undead, we could gain a better understanding of the forces arrayed against us."