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  1. G

    Why Are Things So Complicated? {For Coedy and I}

    When he apologized she shook her head and reached over the table to take his hands, she may not have agreed with him but she didn't want an apology, he hadn't said anything wrong she was just trying to avoid an argument. "I didn't mean to upset you, I'm sorry, it's just that- well, I'll explain...
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    Why Are Things So Complicated? {For Coedy and I}

    Layla watched him order, content in just watching him, it was almost comical their relationship, like a Romeo and Juliet take on the modern world, but with a few twists. He was free as a bird, no one held him back and therefore no one could tell him who to and not to date, but with Layla she was...
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    Why Are Things So Complicated? {For Coedy and I}

    Layla nodded at his choice of lunch, "Good choice, baby," She replied returning his smile, it was hard not to, his smile was just so addictive and infectious to her that just seeing him smile made her smile as her immediate reaction. But the waitress came back and said she would be back soon to...
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    Why Are Things So Complicated? {For Coedy and I}

    Layla followed him into the restaurant and smiled at the lady who lead them to a booth and Layla gladly followed and sat down. She smiled when Tony put his hands across the table and placed hers on top, his hands were larger then hers but somehow they seemed to fit together just right, and...
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    Why Are Things So Complicated? {For Coedy and I}

    Layla grinned when he kissed her cheek after he pulled the car to a stop at a red light. He agreed to surprise her and she smiled, reaching over to stroke his cheek gently, she knew that she couldn't stay with him for a long time today because she was expected at work and before she went in she...
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    Why Are Things So Complicated? {For Coedy and I}

    Layla couldn't help but smile brighter when he called her 'beautiful', it didn't matter if he said it a million times she would always have the same reaction, butterflies in her stomach and a small blush on her cheeks. Apart from customers no one ever called her beautiful apart form Tony and...
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    Why Are Things So Complicated? {For Coedy and I}

    As soon as the groceries were away she picked up the bag of clothes and stored them away in the back part of her closet. Tony had stayed over a few times and while there was no reason for him to go through her closet she didn't want to risk him finding the bad half of her wardrobe either. But...
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    Why Are Things So Complicated? {For Coedy and I}

    Layla searched through the racks, picking up a few pieces of clothing. She got a black dress, fish net stockings and a skirt and two blouses. When she had finished going through the store she walked over to the check outs and laid the clothing on the counter as she pulled out her wallet while...
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    Why Are Things So Complicated? {For Coedy and I}

    After a while Layla felt her phone beep again and she looked down at it, a small smile turning her lips upwards as she read through it, giving a small nod. That would give her enough time to head out and be back before he came around. 'Great, see you then.' She sent back as she set her phone on...
  10. G

    Why Are Things So Complicated? {For Coedy and I}

    My Characters Name;; Layla Dalton Age;; Twenty-Three Gender;; Female Looks;; Job;; Day Time: Waitress Part Time, Night Time: Unknown to anyone but her colleagues Other;; She works for her uncle and has since she...
  11. G

    +++And Then Everything Stopped+++

    Alex took out his phone and started typing in a message, party. tonight. 75 Bakers Drive. Spread the word. Any and everyone's invited it was short and simple, nothing more. He was having a party and wanted everyone there, even if he didn't know them, he would by the end of the night depending on...
  12. G

    And Then Everything Stopped

    Name:: Claire Barton Age:: Seventeen Gender:: Female Personality:: She's smart, sometimes antisocial around people she has never met before, but usually she's bubbly and tries to be funny, but she isn't good at that, more rather she is serious about things, but she has a silly side and...
  13. G

    The Beachhouse

    Heidi smiled as she walked into the big mansion, originally she thought it was just going to be her, but apparently not so. However, she had seen a few of the others from a distance and had already made up her mind that these new additions to her holiday plans were going to be good additions not...
  14. G

    Animal Pack { Closed }

    Clove heard her leader's voice and looked up, her gaze unreadable as she walked. They had been going for three straight days and everyone was tiring, but everyone was way too proud to ask to stop. Everyone knew that what the commanded the pack followed, no exceptions. The strong helped the weak...
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    The Animal Pack ~Sign Up~

    Name: Clove Age: Three and a half Gender: Female Species: Wolf Look's: Personality: Despite her seemingly sweet natured name she is quite the opposite, while she has a caring side Clove is a reserved wolf who lets very few animals in. She trusts close to no one and that means...
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    The Beachhouse [Reboot]

    Thank you :)
  17. G

    The Beachhouse [Reboot]

    Name: Heidi Spiteri Age: Eighteen Gender: Female Appearance: History: Heidi was born into a well to do family, they sent her to all of the best schools and expected her to get the best grades while learning ballet and an instrument; the flute. While she followed on with her parents...
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    She told me she didn't mind me using her stuff and I smiled, watching as she moved our hands to her own delight. It didn't bother me in the slightest though and she eventually dropped my hand, I moved it to push on the mattress before I kissed her forehead unwrapped my other arm from her as I...
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    I grinned when he asked me what was happening at the pound that made me so smiley, "There's a new litter of kitten's they've rescued and were wondering if could go in tomorrow. There's a lot of work, they need worming, vaccinating, chipping and probably fattening and check ups, but it's going to...
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    She turned on her back and looked up at me and I grinned down at her, she looked so adorable like that, I didn't know what it was but somehow it just looked cute on her and I was glad she was comfortable leaving her head on my lap, considering the earlier events that had occurred, sure I had...