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  1. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    Futuristic Spectre

    J-177 boarded the Wyvern calmly. He had no doubts or internal quarrels, there was only the mission. They had been training for this their entire short, painful lives, and he was going to make damn sure that the training paid off. He would complete the mission and make sure the squad made it...
  2. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    Futuristic Spectre

    J-177 had started putting on a set of Dragoon armor. He felt out of place in the much lighter armor but it was better than running out of power partway through an op. "What you assault taking? You won't run out if I know." B-925 shouted from across the room. "I've got a shotgun, an M37, and...
  3. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    Futuristic Spectre

    J-177 ran to the barracks and, once inside, saw most of the squad already at attention, waiting. "Morning squad." J-177 snapped a salute in passing A-902. He went to the trunk at the foot of his bed and pulled out a clean set of the specter uniform replaced his identical running clothes with...
  4. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    Futuristic Spectre

    J-177 was out on an early morning run when the voice came across the speakers that covered the entire top secret compound where the specters had been created and now trained daily. It was the female voice he knew only as mother. He changed his path towards the barracks when she said there was an...
  5. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r


    Halo 4's Shotgun picture you've got there. :P
  6. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r


    Registration Number: J-177 Call-sign: Blitz Gender: Male Appearance: Combat Role: Assault (Shotgun when practical, Assault Rifle otherwise) Skills: CQC, Shotguns, Rifles, Combat Knives, Martial Arts Personality: For someone grown under the indifferent care of scientists, J-177 is...
  7. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    Futuristic The Blue Betty

    Trent spun around as gracefully as one could when carrying a very heavy, very large metal object and nearly fell on his ass when the third pursuer ran headlong into the FTL. He looked down at the third man and saw his chest rising and falling. Not dead, but good enough. "Crude, but effective."...
  8. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    Futuristic The Blue Betty

    Trent grunted in reply to Camo's question. He was doing his best to keep up with her, but she was right, the thing was frakkin heavy. Even so, he wasn't too worried about making it to the Betty until she said that they had company. As they took a turn out the door of the ship where they had...
  9. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    Futuristic The Blue Betty

    It didn't take Trent more than a second to go from idle to active. He sprinted towards the entrance that Camo had gone into to disconnect the FTL. As he ran, he saw Hao and the Kid a little ways off. He pulled his shotgun out from under his jacket and tossed it to the Chinaman. "First one's a...
  10. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    Futuristic The Blue Betty

    Trent made his way towards dock 20. He stopped nearby and did his best to simply blend with the natives, he didn't want to be too obvious but was ready to run over when Camo got the FTL ready for transport. He kept his head on a swivel, however, and noticed two men talking animatedly and heading...
  11. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    X-Com: The Darkest Hour

    Name: Gustav Krieger Nickname / Call-Sign: Tombstone Age: 28 Nationality: German Appearance: Height: 6'2" Weight: 200 lbs Role: Assault/CQC Personality: While Gustav is professional when doing his job, he's the man to buy the first round of drinks after a successful mission. He...
  12. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    Futuristic The Blue Betty

    Trent was on his way to the large cargo door when Otter started bringing the Betty through the atmosphere. The sudden shaking caught him off guard and he picked a crate to lean against for the remainder of the reentry. Once the Betty was docked, Trent made his way down the exit ramp and stood...
  13. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    Futuristic The Blue Betty

    The rubber bullet pinged off the chest piece of Trent's armor. He didn't even flinch, having taken his fair share of gunfire in his time as a guard. "This is a ceramic plate covered by kevlar," Trent said, hitting his chest, "I didn't feel a thing. Now I'd return the favor, but I don't think...
  14. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    Futuristic The Blue Betty

    Trent was preparing to dissuade the advancing mob from Halley's when Aaron had called him aboard. He looked around the ship for a bit before he encountered something that resembled crew quarters. He picked an empty bunk and put his shotgun down on the bed along with his helmet. After staking...
  15. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    Futuristic The Blue Betty

    Trent scowled at the jibe at his mother but was intrigued by the offer. Station 12 got boring because nobody messed with him anymore. "I will consider your offer, captain. Come discuss the terms of this agreement when you are ready to leave, until then, I will continue my guard." He stepped...
  16. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    Futuristic The Blue Betty

    Trent chuckled. "If those police try to impound this ship after seeing me standing in front of it they'd have finally grown a pair." He moved to the side to allow Aaron to approach his ship. "I will continue to prevent anyone from gaining access to this ship unless you give them...
  17. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    Futuristic The Blue Betty

    Before he could hear Aaron's reply, Trent turned to the sound of the new voice and saw a young man sprinting for his life with a hulk of a man chasing him. Trent leveled the shotgun in their direction and calmly fired a slug round that passed above the both of them and impacted the wall of the...
  18. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    Futuristic The Blue Betty

    Upon seeing the captain return to A623 and hurriedly attempt to reason with the police, Trent fired his shotgun directed at the floor. He always loaded a blank first, as a warning shot. All conversation stopped as everyone stared at him. Without needing to raise his voice he said, "Seeing as...
  19. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    Futuristic The Blue Betty

    Trent hardly budged when someone ran into him from the side. Looking to where Tora was sprawled on the ground he recognized the tattoo on the criminal immediately. He lowered his shotgun and extended a hand to help her up. He gestured to the end of the Betty's dock. "Wait back there, the cops...
  20. Th3Tru3Cr33p3r

    Futuristic The Blue Betty

    Trent stepped out from his modest residence near hanger block A as a man came running up to him. "Trent! Trent!" he called as he approached, "You're never gonna believe who just docked at A623." Trent merely raised an eyebrow. "It's the Blue Betty, man. She just docked here. Captain said...