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  1. Eldritch Goat

    Fantasy God of Lost Faith - The Storyline

    Shibala'Negi After taking Sonos’ hand and getting back on her feet, she pushed her ruminations about her vision to the back of her mind so she could instead focus on waking Silen. Silen was a...strange boy, but he was ultimately harmless in Shibala’s eyes and for the most part he seemed quite...
  2. Eldritch Goat

    Fantasy God of Lost Faith - The Storyline

    Shibala'Negi "A Glimpse of Home." One moment, Shibala was standing tall, despite her wound, ready to fling another strike at Alyssa, the next moment everything had gone black, she didn’t even have time to process what had hit her before darkness overtook her mind. Silence was all that...
  3. Eldritch Goat

    Fantasy God of Lost Faith - The Storyline

    Shibala'Negi Shibala was quiet for a good long while, still trying to process her leader’s strange actions, trailing close behind Sonos and the others. She thought it strange that he was so easily willing to both accept these people, whom they’d just wrongly attacked as new allies and then...
  4. Eldritch Goat

    Fantasy God of Lost Faith - The Storyline

    Shibala'Negi The event that just occurred before Shibala’s eyes both confused and irritated the girl. She was used to being called an abomination, but a towering pactborn wearing nothing but a bit of cloth clearly couldn’t see past his pride to realise his existence is just as ‘evil’ and...
  5. Eldritch Goat

    Fantasy God of Lost Faith - The Storyline

    Shibala'Negi Berlin’s efforts proved to be near worthless, as Shibala strode through the smoke and fire unphased, at least physically. All the fire had done is shatter the few crystals that covered her face, while the rest of her body was unscathed. For a woman of her build, her pretty, scar...
  6. Eldritch Goat

    Fantasy God of Lost Faith - The Storyline

    Shibala'Negi Her direct hit just about floored the wizard, just as she expected. He managed to roll it off but even still, by the way his arm fell limp she assumed she’d at least dislocated it. That did bring a smile to her face. As Berlin raved at his assailant, she’d only cock her head to...
  7. Eldritch Goat

    Fantasy God of Lost Faith - The Storyline

    Shibala'Negi As Sonos approached the trio from the front, having gotten the attention, and likely inspired the ire of the brutish Hatch, another figure lurked within the brush awaiting the perfect moment to strike her target. With little warning, a horned, shawled figure emerged from the...
  8. Eldritch Goat

    Introduce Yourself!
