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  1. VampiricPotato

    Death Weapon Meister Academy

    ((Sorry it's taking so long to get my character sheet finished. Life has been busy. x.x))
  2. VampiricPotato

    Death Weapon Meister Academy

    ((I can't join until tomorrow, but I'll post a cs then.))
  3. VampiricPotato

    Corvis University for Paranormal Research

    ((Methinkgs I'm gonna join, this looks interesting. :3))
  4. VampiricPotato

    ---Demon Hunters---

    ((Please don't tell me that memory is what I think it is. o_e Please, please don't let it be what I think it is..))
  5. VampiricPotato

    ---Demon Hunters---

    Diane opened her eyes just in time to enter a hefty coughing fit. "Goddammit... What the hell... Where you doing tied up in a basement, Aho?" Amser croaked, rubbing the ash out of her eyes as they watered from pain. Her freshly bathed body and hair where covered in soot and ash, so much for...
  6. VampiricPotato

    The Path From Fayland - Official RP

    ((Here. :3 Just lurkin'))
  7. VampiricPotato

    Magical Pokemon Girls/Boys

    ((Edited, sorry again.))
  8. VampiricPotato

    ---Demon Hunters---

    Diane, out of sheer desperation, started listening to Aho and trying to drag her out of the house. She pulled and pulled with all of her might, but it was no use. Diane simply wasn't strong enough. She gasped, and was thus sent into a coughing fit as a large amount of smoke was taken into her...
  9. VampiricPotato

    Magical Pokemon Girls/Boys

    ((Alrighty, I'll fix her personality. Sorry about that. Any suggestion about her spells? I'm not sure how to handle them, because most of Eevee's attacks are physical ones from what I remember.))
  10. VampiricPotato

    ---Demon Hunters---

    Diane turned as she heard a bang coming from the ruins of one of the buildings. "Abandoned, huh?" Taking advantage of the fact that Sebastian was keeping the boy busy, Diane walked as stealthily as she could over to the building. After searching the burning wreckage for a little while, all the...
  11. VampiricPotato

    ---Demon Hunters---

    Diane turned in shock to hear Sebastian roaring down the path in her direction. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something to him when he arrived, but she instead said nothing and continued looking around the town. "Aho has to be around here somewhere..." She thought as she began to...
  12. VampiricPotato

    ---Demon Hunters---

    Diane eyes her hand and, seeing that it was in good condition and no longer hurt, she felt her neck. It was the same, no more pain and the blisters where gone. "Fine, thank you." She mumbled as she began walking back to base, fists clenched hard. When she got back, she noticed Aho's note on the...
  13. VampiricPotato

    The Path From Fayland - Official RP

    (("I'm sorry I'm such a failure, I'm sorry I can't do anything right." It wasn't a pity party, but acceptance of my own inability to do anything." No Varexes. I think that is, in fact, a pity party. >.<))
  14. VampiricPotato

    ---Demon Hunters---

    ((FFFFGGG!))Diane opened her mouth to argue, but instead sighed. "You know what, fine." She said, walking over to Sebastian. But then she paused, walked back and picked up Aho's bandage. "Can't forget this..." She thought as she walked back over to Sebastian. "Alright, you can heal me...
  15. VampiricPotato

    ---Demon Hunters---

    Hearing a strange coughing noise, Diane stood up out of the water. "Who's there?" She shouted, moving over to her clothes and guns. Suddenly, she noticed Sebastian coughing by the water. "You nasty pervert!" Diane screamed, covering herself up with her arms as she ran over to grab her clothes...
  16. VampiricPotato

    ---Demon Hunters---

    Diane continued to walk for a while. The bandage that Aho put on her hand soothed the burn a bit, but her hand still felt like it was on fire. Eventually, she made her way over to a small pond and kneeled beside it. Diane gazed down into the cool, clear water and at her reflection. It had been a...
  17. VampiricPotato

    ---Demon Hunters---

    Diane's eyes grew wide when Sebastian handed her the gun, but she was forced to drop it immediately when she tried holding it in her left hand. "Right... It's charred." She thought, wincing. She smiled half-heartedly at Aho when she bandaged her hand, but then returned her gace to the floor...
  18. VampiricPotato

    ---Demon Hunters---

    ((Just because I'm a needlessly nitpicky person and need to ask... Did you clear this whole "Son of the lord of hell" thing with Jadewoof first?)) Diane yelped in shock as the gun in her left hand suddenly heated up to an immense level and began to melt in her hand. She dropped it quickly...
  19. VampiricPotato

    ---Demon Hunters---

    Diane gasped as the gun began to melt and she pulled it away quickly, hoping there was no damage that was beyond cosmetic. As she listened to Sebastian speak, her eyes steadily grew wide. "It has to be a lie.. Why would demons kill one of their own, especially their ruler's daughter? He's a...
  20. VampiricPotato

    ---Demon Hunters---

    Diane's eyes grew wide, but then they turned back into a glare. "You'll devour me? Funny. I can't believe I ever thought you could be on our side. I'll bet you just let her go because you knew if she died, you'd be put in charge. If you ended up becoming ruler of hell, you could stop all of...