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  1. Captain Kit

    Fandom Marvel Universe: Civil War

    Yup c:
  2. Captain Kit

    Fandom Marvel Universe: Civil War

  3. Captain Kit

    Literature Would anyone be interested in a book club?

    Ooh, I love that idea! c: Count me in as well. ^^
  4. Captain Kit

    I'm very sorry about the lack of roleplay posts today. :c

    I'm very sorry about the lack of roleplay posts today. :c
  5. Captain Kit

    Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

    (Did... Did it die? ;- ;) )
  6. Captain Kit

    Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

    Katrina winced at the loud thud the alarm clock made as it fell on the hardwood floor of her room. She lazily sat up, her blankets falling off of her, and rubbed her eyes. A yawn slipped out of her mouth, and she snapped her eyes open, glancing around her room. "I guess this'll be my first day...
  7. Captain Kit

    Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

    ((Daamn, I was just gonna do something :U)) Katrina turned in her bed as she heard her alarm go off. A ray of sunlight peeked through a crack in her curtains, shining directly in her eyes. She scrunched them shut, and punched her alarm clock. "Goddammit..." She growled under her breath.
  8. Captain Kit

    Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

    The white cat mumbled under her breath, and began glimmering. She slowly grew in size, until she was a neko.
  9. Captain Kit

    Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

    The snow white feline meowed, then licked a paw and brought it over its ears. "Maybe I should shift into my human form..." She quietly thought. The feline jumped as she heard a cry of help.
  10. Captain Kit

    Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

    The snow white feline cracked open an eye, still curled up on the sofa in the house. She slowly got up to her feet and stretched, feeling her muscles ripple under her fur. She sat back on her haunches, and curiously regarded Karou.
  11. Captain Kit

    Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

    The snow white cat scrambled on top of the couch, sat back on her haunches, and watched Ahri curiously. She looked up and looked around the big, huge, house, taking in the many shapes, sights, and sounds coming from all around her.
  12. Captain Kit

    Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

    The white cat, now sitting on Hikrau's luggage bag, loudly meowed, her tail still swishing side to side.
  13. Captain Kit

    Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

    The white cat peeked out from behind the luggage and warily eyed Clare. The cat's tail flicked side to side, tilting her head to the side to watch what was going to unfold in front of her.
  14. Captain Kit

    Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

    Something small, white, and fluffy ran across the quiet street, heading in the direction of a big, huge modern house. It's yellow eyes flashed in the afternoon light as it glanced up at it. "Wow... It's amazing!" The white cat's ears twitched, as she slunk to the main door. She squeaked as she...
  15. Captain Kit

    Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

    ((Gaaah, I just deleted it because I wanted to tie it in with your post >~< lemme repost something again))
  16. Captain Kit

    Fandom Marvel Universe: Civil War

    The teen boy gave Carter a nervous smile back. "Thanks." He turned to the cash register, tapping a few of the buttons, then deposited the five dollar bill. He blankly looked at the shattered windows and glass lying all over the floor, and the blood that was beginning to dry. "Hope you have a...
  17. Captain Kit

    Fandom Marvel Universe: Civil War

  18. Captain Kit

    Fandom Marvel Universe: Civil War

    A teen boy in the employee uniform shakily stood up from behind the counter. "S-su-sure, s-sir." He stammered, beginning to brew another cup of coffee for the brown haired man in front of him. His eyes warily glanced at the other man in a red suit similar to Spider-Man's, as he grabbed a cup and...
  19. Captain Kit

    Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

    @Nanax Since there aren't any rooms left (I think), do you want Kitty to just live on her own in an apartment? (Just double-checking)
  20. Captain Kit

    Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

    Name: Katrina "Kitty" Heddows Age (14-18): 15 School Grade: 10th Grade. Type of Mythical Creature: Shapeshifter. Gender: Female. Sexuality: Heterosexual. Friends: She doesn't know anybody yet. Personality: Mischievous, friendly, outgoing cat-loving teen. She's a bit headstrong and...