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  1. Cerryl

    Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villans

    I just had the best idea for a debuff to her illusion power. She can only create illusions from high places.
  2. Cerryl

    Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villans

    Of course the little girl had fallen backwards, through the roof and landed perfectly in her bed, everything still intact(including said roof and bed) She is now sleeping
  3. Cerryl

    Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villans

    As the van was driving along, it made a turn around a corner at the end of the street. Into the wall that the little girl clinging tightly to the flagpole on the roof nearby had disguised as the road(I can spell, pssh). The dead end had also been moved up a few blocks by an illusory wall. The...
  4. Cerryl

    Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villans

    ok can I make the van crash? I see a van in rp.
  5. Cerryl

    Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villans

    ah... how to enter. Problems
  6. Cerryl

    Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villans

    Thanks. Now to remember all those details.
  7. Cerryl

    Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villans

    This seems interesting Hero or Villain name: Mirage Character's real name: Aiva Kirsch Hero or villain: Villain Powers or tools: Intangibility(Re materializing inside something is not healthy for her and gravity still effects her) Illusion(makes false, slightly discolored projections.)...
  8. Cerryl

    NYAHAHAhaha...ha... ok... out of breath... ahhhhh...

    AHem! I... [Please Insert Reasonable Intro Post Here] So, about me. I exist(maybe) I am the "Friendly Neighborhood Vampire" -A friend of mine. Do not eat anything any of my characters make. Heights are scary. Spiders are even worse. I play games and am very very much liable to get...