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  1. MrLeighKemp

    Race For The Queen's Juniper (Reboot!)

    *le sigh* The curse of RPs
  2. MrLeighKemp

    Race For The Queen's Juniper (Reboot!)

    Well, 'twas fun to be a captain. Even if only briefly!
  3. MrLeighKemp

    Race For The Queen's Juniper (Reboot!)

    Where is anyone?
  4. MrLeighKemp

    Race For The Queen's Juniper (Reboot!)

  5. MrLeighKemp

    Fantasy Race For The Queen's Juniper (Reboot!)

    Zan stood taller than usual. He felt charged, fired up and ready. He filled his lungs, slowly. He closed his eyes and felt the wind, on his face. The sunlight was strong but it wasn't a hot day. He snapped his eyes open and saw his men milling around. "You three!" He pointed at men he didn't...
  6. MrLeighKemp

    Fantasy Race For The Queen's Juniper (Reboot!)

    Zan had noted everyone staring, and it wasn’t such an issue for him. Being a big man usually drew more than a fair share of glances.There were some women he vaguely recognised, short and working on Alack’s ship. There were witticisms thrown around from on lookers. Some short brown haired woman...
  7. MrLeighKemp

    Race For The Queen's Juniper (Reboot!)

    So sorry guys. Almost got deported this week (no really, but I did have lots of visa issues to deal with) I have about 60-70% of my post written. It will be up ASAP. Once again, EYE SO SOWWI!
  8. MrLeighKemp

    Fantasy Race For The Queen's Juniper (Reboot!)

    Zan had got the flier from one of his informants in the city. He had a number of people, in a number of cities, that he would pay for information for booty, rewards or anything news worthy for a sky pirate captain, such as this flier, for example. He handed some small change to the young boy...
  9. MrLeighKemp

    Race For The Queen's Juniper (Reboot!)

  10. MrLeighKemp

    Race For The Queen's Juniper (Reboot!)

    Name: Zan T'Locke Nicknames: San Age: 30 Gender: Male Race: Human, South Giant. Height: 6ft 9 Weight: 194 lbs Current Residence: Carran Crew Loyalty: Hangman's Remorse Occupation/Rank On Ship: Captain Description: <p><a...
  11. MrLeighKemp

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

    My posting partner is having troubles. I might post again tomorrow if she can't get to it.
  12. MrLeighKemp

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

    It's quiet... Too quiet...
  13. MrLeighKemp

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] Chapter 1, Cloud Peril

    Sheeyk flung herself at Zan. He almost dismissed the pat on his back as an agressive gust of wind, until he heard her speak. She was full of boundless energy, which was important for a young hunter. Zan, though, was keen to teach her about surpressing her natural fountain of energetic youth and...
  14. MrLeighKemp

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] Chapter 1, General Posting Thread

    Zan gripped the bag of fruit handed to him. Sheeyk scurried away, with a a brilliance that Zan would never be able to do. Part rodent, snake and cat he saw her zig-zag and find some higher ground. She kept moving forward, exactly like Zan had asked her too, she would be at the ship sooner than...
  15. MrLeighKemp

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] Chapter 1, General Posting Thread

    Zan took the toothed necklace. Such an offering was getting easier for him to accept. Clothing and jewelry was traditionally given as tribute to an elder or leader, where Zan was from. Trade and ownership is such a big city trait and the first thing he had to learn, leaving his tribe.He slipped...
  16. MrLeighKemp

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

    A good captain should know how to cook.
  17. MrLeighKemp

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

    Well isn't that just a bag of dead poppies!
  18. MrLeighKemp

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

    If pirates were reliable they'd be called sailors!
  19. MrLeighKemp

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

    My posting-partner had a weather related internet problem. Whenever she posts I can try and move us to the ship.
  20. MrLeighKemp

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] Chapter 1, General Posting Thread

    Zan heard the pitter-patter of tiny feet enter through the door moments after he did. He firstly mistook it for a small dog or large cat either of which would be the norm in such an overrun city. With a closer listen, blocking out the talking masses all around, it was clear it was walking on two...