Search results for query: *

  1. strawberryspiral

    Fandom X-Men Second Class IC

    When Pietro snaps up from where he had been snoozing fitfully on a couch downstairs with his face smashed into his laptop keyboard. The world seems to spin counterclockwise around him. Rubbing both eyes, adjusting to the flickering blue light of the laptop screen as a migraine pulsates between...
  2. strawberryspiral

    sour candy sunrise

    sour candy sunrise
  3. strawberryspiral

    Fandom X-Men: Second Class OOC and Character Sheet Thread

    Name: Pietro Maximoff Mutant Name: Quicksilver Mutant Ability: Superhuman speed, superhuman reflexes- his brain functions at superhuman speeds. Enhanced durability, superhuman stamina, superhuman agility, enhanced strength, and molecular vibration. Face claim: Jan Cina Biography: Pietro...
  4. strawberryspiral

    Fantasy Oh Kiss Me, Son of God (MxM Advanced Lit - Medieval Fantasy)

    Would be interested in doing a savior x sacrificial lamb type of character. I was thinking a paladin type with a secretive but tragic past. As a preteen he is found waking through fields in a daze. Sick with a strange and deadly plague. Somehow he manages to survive while nursed back to health...
  5. strawberryspiral

    Fandom X-Men Second Class IC

    A tidal wave of emotions rolls over Jean’s body in crashing waves as she gets to the professor’s room. Long halls seem to curl in neverending spirals of fanciful wallpaper and dark hardwoods as she staggers on, her body sluggish. Reality slipping through her fingers like jello. For all her focus...
  6. strawberryspiral

    Multiple Settings Murder in the City of Devils Interest Check

    Bump I am still looking for: Hunters-humans or otherwise is fine as long as it works with backstory. PM me if you plan to do a Hunter. Talent management of any species Detectives of any species other than vampire. Make up artists of any species. Stylists of any species. Designers of any...
  7. strawberryspiral

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello I like fantasy and historical stuff
  8. strawberryspiral

    Fantasy OOC Murder in the City of Devils
    Index: Murder in the City of Devils

    Sounds good! Can’t wait to see your witch/sorcerer. Will tag those interested, thanks for letting me know 😌
  9. strawberryspiral

    Multiple Settings Murder in the City of Devils Interest Check

    Villain roles would entail someone who either; is a human and their family are practicing hunters in a secretive faction. Or an arcane species with a deeply sewed hatred towards themselves or other otherworldlies. They could hold a grudge because of murder in the family or just be traditional...
  10. strawberryspiral

    Multiple Settings Murder in the City of Devils Interest Check

    I’m seeing some pretty cool characters thus far so this is just something to draw a little interest. Some cool species/roles I’m interested in seeing right now: Hybrids who appear human questioning their heritage Ghouls of any vocation Banshees of any vocation Any sort of faefolk celebrity...
  11. strawberryspiral

    Multiple Settings Murder in the City of Devils Interest Check

    Well, currently every position is still open. But would love another detective, celeb, and or “assumed human at birth” so someone very human looking could do. Oh! We have no Hunters yet, they can be solely villains that are apart of an ancient practice passed down in their family. Or one of...
  12. strawberryspiral

    Multiple Settings Murder in the City of Devils Interest Check

    Nice I look forward to seeing it :)
  13. strawberryspiral

    Multiple Settings Murder in the City of Devils Interest Check

    Yesss it’s still open, go for it!
  14. strawberryspiral

    Multiple Settings Murder in the City of Devils Interest Check

    We can totally pm i love the idea of an internet celeb 🤣
  15. strawberryspiral

    Multiple Settings Murder in the City of Devils Interest Check

    Thank goodness you said something I almost forgot that was one of the first things I needed to do and I just had the tab opened and unposted smh. You can find OOC thread here
  16. strawberryspiral

    Fantasy OOC Murder in the City of Devils

    Just a place to discuss ideas and what have you concerning an RP taking place in Los Noctis City 2032. @Grimmlock @Pumpum @joestar @Garbage.
  17. strawberryspiral

    Multiple Settings Murder in the City of Devils Interest Check

    Great! I’m glad it interests you😌 Totally open to you playing multiple characters DM me and we can discuss.
  18. strawberryspiral

    Multiple Settings Murder in the City of Devils Interest Check

    Feel free to send me any questions you have. Right now it can seem kind of confusing lol but I plan to make a lore thread soon.
  19. strawberryspiral

    Fantasy Reserve for KAOS

    Name: Hades, King of the Underworld and god of the dead. Also protector and creator of the Earth’s hidden riches i.e., gold, gems, and oil. Appearance: Long black hair and porcelain toned skin. His eyes are yellow with pupils like a serpent’s, there are scars all over his body from being eaten...
  20. strawberryspiral

    Advice/Help What gives you role play true incentive to stay

    I love hanging out and love foreshadowing too. :)