Search results for query: *

  1. Spotsvannia

    Fantasy Magician Hunt Discussions

    I'm glad that you think they're looking ok~! I can definitely go through and change the colors around, I was just pulling from his.... coat/cape/thingy for his color scheme since I had noooo idea what to go with. That'll be a quick fix and hopefully I'll have it up tonight. Also, I'll have my...
  2. Spotsvannia

    Fantasy Magician Hunt Discussions

    Ok~! >w<; So the second one I'm thinking of doing more to possibly, but something came up so I wasn't able to quiiiiite play around with it as much as I'd like yet, but still it's close enough to being done that I can show it I guess. So anyway, here they are! Let me know if there are any...
  3. Spotsvannia

    Fantasy Magician Hunt Discussions

    Oh that'd be no problem at all! Do you have any pictures in mind that you'd like me to use for it?
  4. Spotsvannia

    Fantasy Magician Hunt Discussions

    Hey, you can do some pretty cool stuff with the basic paint programs too~ (and photobucket used to have some good editing stuff too, don't know if they still do though?) But I'm always open to making banners for folks, it's a fun way to spend the day!
  5. Spotsvannia

    Fantasy Magician Hunt Discussions

    Thank you thank you~! And just with a little bit of photoshop maaaaaaagic~! :bishiesparklesl: And too much free time. Since I don't really know how people are making all these crazy beautiful BBCode thingies in posts, it's all I've got to work with!
  6. Spotsvannia

    Fantasy Magician Hunt Discussions

    But you came in with such a lovely post~! >w</
  7. Spotsvannia

    Fantasy Magician Hunt Discussions

    Finally got my post up~! Can't wait to run into everyone's characters. I'm totally free for plotting and stuff too if anyone wants to. ^^
  8. Spotsvannia

    Fantasy Magician Hunt

    Was he really doing this? This question must have ran through Veles' head a million times in the past few hours alone. What if it was all one big mistake? What if his family just happened to show back up a day after he left? What if they were all walking into a trap? His bags had been packed for...
  9. Spotsvannia

    Fantasy Magician Hunt Discussions

    Ah so excited!! Aurora is such a cutie too~! I'll try to get a post up by the end of the day.
  10. Spotsvannia

    Fantasy Mgician Hunt CS

    Yay~! And thank you thank you. ^^
  11. Spotsvannia

    Fantasy Mgician Hunt CS

    ...continued to grow. With only the name of the city that his parents said they would all escape to, he struck out on his own. more about Veles: *Due to the type of magic that he studies, despite working on it for almost all of his life he's still pretty inexperienced. (Learning to warp reality...
  12. Spotsvannia

    Fantasy Magician Hunt (Open and accepting)

    Oh awesome~! ^^
  13. Spotsvannia

    Fantasy Magician Hunt (Open and accepting)

    Yes~! I will try to get my app up today!
  14. Spotsvannia

    Fantasy Magician Hunt (Open and accepting)

    Ooooh, sounds fun! ^^
  15. Spotsvannia

    I Am Chat

    Ok, I'm heading out now, I'll see y'all lovely folks later! I'll try to check up on things as the day goes on, see what y'all are up to =w= but for now... eh just assume that Ker's off praying for some good vibes to come this team's way somewhere?
  16. Spotsvannia

    I Am Chat

    pffff! and just like that people return! >w</
  17. Spotsvannia

    I Am Chat

    But, I don't think anyone else is currently on...?
  18. Spotsvannia

    I Am Chat

    I'm still lurking around for the time being~
  19. Spotsvannia

    I Am Chat

    Wow... for once there wasn't much to get caught up on, and that feels really weird! Anyway though, I'm going to be in and out of the doctor's all during the day today so I won't be able to be on too much today. I'll make some kind of post when I get the moment to to get Ker out of the way for...
  20. Spotsvannia

    I Am Chat

    I'm sorry guys, I'm heading out for the night! Hopefully there won't be too much trouble in the strategy room, and those in the forest do your best out there to stay safe! >w</