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  1. Morgan5000

    Fantasy Rey's School for Wizards (Open and Accepting!)

    Oh sorry
  2. Morgan5000


    Morgan waited a little bit with no answer she cracked the door "ciel you up" morgan siad in a soft voice
  3. Morgan5000

    Fantasy Rey's School for Wizards (Open and Accepting!)

    "Ok let's go"
  4. Morgan5000


    "Hey you up yet" Morgan knocked on the door
  5. Morgan5000


    Morgan walked in the door her long blonde hair stained in blood as well as her close as Morgan walked in and saw ciel laying on the floor "ciel hello hello" Morgan than picked up ciel put him in to a bed room placed him on the bed and sat there for a little while than got up and left
  6. Morgan5000

    Fantasy Rey's School for Wizards (Open and Accepting!)

    "What if she's not there"
  7. Morgan5000


    "Ok well se you later" walks to door and walks outside shutting and locking the door behind her
  8. Morgan5000


    "Well you stay here I'll go gather blood"
  9. Morgan5000


    "You haven't had blood yet have you"
  10. Morgan5000


    "Why not" the girl siad fanily looking you in the eye
  11. Morgan5000


    "Depends now what do you want my help with" the girl stared of in to the distance as if she where some where else
  12. Morgan5000


    "Well like I siad you were spacial yo you had a gift" the girl says then looks down at the floor
  13. Morgan5000


    "Hostnstley I barley Evan no you I wondent lie to you in the human life you where very kind and you help me as I helped you" the girl thinks about her past how she lost her family friends at a very young age
  14. Morgan5000


    "You family did something and some one very powerful wanted you all dead"
  15. Morgan5000


    "Yes it would seem that you had done something and a lot of people wanted you dead and umm about your your family well umm" fighting back the words she fanily siad it "your mother your father are dead I am pretty sure only one of you siblings made it out alive "
  16. Morgan5000


    Well umm ok to be honest when I found you you where very hurt and on the verge of death you where being attacked by other vampires you you where special I could say
  17. Morgan5000


    You Evan agreed to turn in human life
  18. Morgan5000


    I stared at you very serious I mumble how can he not rember how
  19. Morgan5000


    Ok I get this is hard but would you rather be dead
  20. Morgan5000


    I saved your life and this is the thanks I get