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  1. Warrior Spirit

    Food Change my mind... Oriental dishes are, in general, better than Western dishes.

    Peking duck is number one. But if it's something from a diner here in the States... I'd say chicken fried steak or a Philly sandwich. I don't understand why lots of people like pancakes. It's just flour. I don't understand anyone liking them.
  2. Warrior Spirit

    Food Change my mind... Oriental dishes are, in general, better than Western dishes.

    If you have a high tolerance for a very high fat meal, American meals are gonna be heaven. But how much of that can you take? It sometimes feel like you're eating heated lard.
  3. Warrior Spirit

    Other Is Anyone Into Disney RP Like I Am?

    I still have no desire roleplaying a Disney character. The Disney verse in its entirety is what PvP addicts call "carebear." I want my roleplays with blood and violence.
  4. Warrior Spirit

    Other Is Anyone Into Disney RP Like I Am?

    There's nothing wrong with that but can we really put into text a Disney song of our own making? The sounds and the visual scenes will do it way better.
  5. Warrior Spirit

    Video Games Your least favorite villain in Skyrim?

    Which superpower did you choose in the Nightingale temple? If my memory serves me right, I chose the invisibility one. My character was not an alchemist, so he couldn't just make an invisibility potion.
  6. Warrior Spirit

    Other What’s made you happy recently?

    Oh, I hope your knee is okay. Past injury?
  7. Warrior Spirit

    Other What’s made you happy recently?

    Opening my fridge and eating chicken I cooked six days ago instead of eating out. Money saved is money earned. Money is happiness!
  8. Warrior Spirit

    Other What’s your β€œcringey” interest?

    Hey! I love this answer!
  9. Warrior Spirit

    Other Hot takes?

    Weight training is the best hobby you can ever have. This obviously is not a hot take when you're talking to people in the gym, but despite the popularity of the fitness industry, it is still a somewhat niche activity even in the United States.
  10. Warrior Spirit

    Other What’s your β€œcringey” interest?

    My obsession towards outdated deadly weapons. I mean, people will probably tell me to just buy a gun. Because for some reason I obsess over my crossbow instead of just buying a pistol. Them: "You realize you'd lose in a gunfight with that useless thing, right?" Me: "Bro! This thing pierced...
  11. Warrior Spirit

    Badly Describe a Game Here

    Welcome to a province. Realize that you're capable of defeating everything. Even dragons. But you can't defeat children even with your strongest tools. -The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim
  12. Warrior Spirit

    Video Games Your least favorite villain in Skyrim?

    Bro, it has to be Mercer Frey. lol. At least with Harkon, he gave off pure evil vibes. Mercer was simply a skilled manipulator and arrow dodger. Nothing honorable about that. At least his peers were devoted to their daedra lord. But yeah, what about you?
  13. Warrior Spirit

    Food Change my mind... Oriental dishes are, in general, better than Western dishes.

    Most people enjoy trips to Panda Express more than McDonalds. Even white Americans prefer Chinese buffets than diners. Do any of you actually disagree?
  14. Warrior Spirit

    Food What is your favorite coffee or tea and why do you drink coffee or tea?

    Oh man... I'm in love with iced vanilla latte. lol Not from Starbucks, but from Caffeina. lol. People who haven't had iced vanilla latte (or caramel or mocha) don't understand how much of a liquid gold that thing really is.
  15. Warrior Spirit

    Other What is something you called out a long time ago that you turned out to be right about?

    By bottom-feeding piranha, you meant those losers who gave him attention, right? Answer that please? I'm just making sure I know what you're talking about. There are so many YouTube Influencers who post worthy content. Why on earth do people subscribe to Niko? Niko was so obviously a troll...
  16. Warrior Spirit

    Literature What are you reading at the moment?

    A philosophy encyclopedia. I'm reading the part about Taoism. I'm Asian. It's about time I embrace my Asian spirituality side. Lots of white people get fascinated by it when most of us Asians are indifferent to all of it.
  17. Warrior Spirit

    Music What are you currently listening to?

    She's just my type.
  18. Warrior Spirit

    Music What are you currently listening to?

    I have Spotify Premium and I have multiple playlists, each with lots of songs. One of them is a playlist entirely dedicated to the YouTube Influencer Julia Sheer. I'm mad crushing on her.