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  1. Tatterdemalion

    Fantasy The City of the Occult [casual-detailed/COMING SOON]

    (I'm new here, so I don't know many fancy formatting tricks yet. Sorry.) THE BASICS: Character's full name: Tam Elliott Sinclair Actual age: 32 Gender: Depends on the form she's taking. Sexuality: Heterosexual, but keep in mind that she can switch genders. Immortality status: Mortal...
  2. Tatterdemalion

    Fantasy The City of the Supernatural (casual-detailed)

    I would prefer for magic to operate sort of like superpowers, i.e. each created character gets a specific power or power set that they can use to whatever extent they can imagine. That way, the GMs can put the kibosh on any really imbalanced stuff beforehand but it still allows for a lot of...
  3. Tatterdemalion

    Wrath of the Magi

    I definitely see how that could get out of control quickly. I was simply tossing out a quick concept I thought was sort of neat. Is there any particular Pattern that you think could help round out the group right now?
  4. Tatterdemalion

    Wrath of the Magi

    Quick character idea- would it be possible to have a necromancer who attempted to cheat death and succeeded, but at the cost of his memories, human form, and much of his power?
  5. Tatterdemalion

    Good RPGs or Story-Driven Games?

    If you haven't played it already, I highly recommend checking out The Witcher 3. I went into having read the novels, but not having played the previous games, and it has seriously blown me away with its world and mechanics. The lore is expansive, the combat feels fluid and intense, but the real...
  6. Tatterdemalion

    Fantasy The City of the Supernatural (casual-detailed)

    Ooh, please let this be a 1920s roleplay! That's one of my favorite historical periods. I'm definitely interested in this, if there's room for me.
  7. Tatterdemalion

    Other Favourite Breed of Dog?

    Brussels Griffons! Just look at these majestic bearded nuggets.