Search results for query: *

  1. Hindsiight

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    I'm not sure the policy on spoilers, but for the sake of it I'll be vague: in my circle at least, the main gripe was indeed [the character who was to ascend the Throne] dying. Everyone wanted [them] to have this happy life with [other character], and when that didn't happen the internet caught...
  2. Hindsiight

    Other Current Food Obsession ?

    Pad romaine lo mein from my local Asian place. I always add cashews for extra crunch and flavour. I could eat this every day of my life, to be honest.
  3. Hindsiight

    Other What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?

    I once saw a "trappedinbasement" when visiting a friend in a nicer part of town. I still lie awake at night hoping that wasn't actually a plea for help.
  4. Hindsiight

    Other Do you miss rp friends?

    I miss some partners with every fiber of my existence. I cherish re-reading old stories because I remember all the planning and love that went into crafting a perfect story... There are definitely some partners I'd like to forget, though 😂
  5. Hindsiight

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    The Game of Thrones finale wasn't actually as bad as everyone loves to dunk on. It was very obvious that all the character arcs had to take a sharp (and thus unsettling) trajectory because they essentially had to cut it short by 3 seasons, but I don't think the ending was inherently awful just...
  6. Hindsiight

    Other Who was your first fictional crush? Compare them to your current one.

    Xena: Warrior Princess. And honestly, now.....same. lol
  7. Hindsiight

    Other Random question of the day

    Hindsiight says: no. Absolutely not.
  8. Hindsiight

    Multiple Settings -ˋˏ roleplay search! ˎˊ- [FANDOMS & THEMES]

    Awesome! For some reason I can't seem to start a new conversation, would you mind sending me a message?
  9. Hindsiight

    Multiple Settings -ˋˏ roleplay search! ˎˊ- [FANDOMS & THEMES]

    Hello! I'm potentially interested in a Bridgerton Rp. Is that something you might still be looking for?
  10. Hindsiight

    Other How long do you think you'd survive in a zombie apocalypse?

    I'm barely surviving the late-stage capitalistic apocalypse, so I honestly shudder to think about adding zombies to that mix. 🥲
  11. Hindsiight

    Introduce Yourself!

    Not gonna lie, putting "Goldsmith" on a resume is a power move. Instant hire for me lol. Sounds amazing!