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  1. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    So... I'm terribly sorry for how this story sort of died.. I might've bit off more than I could chew with this; I've always been more of a follower than a DM If you wanna give it another chance, I'm down, but I don't entirely know if my heart is in it anymore. Not upset or anything, I just not...
  2. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom IC Thread

    K understood if people were hesitant, but there wasn’t much they could do on that. Most people were still going about their day like nothing was gonna change. Everyone completely unaware about the literal apocalypse ready to kick off in just a few minutes time. As everyone thought it over, K...
  3. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    Gonna be on vacation to visit my SO this week, but I'll get the next post out very soon...As in working on it right now
  4. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    Hey, work has been destroying me lately and I haven't had quite the energy to post. Know this is the second post of this kind. But, things are coming around and I'll get on the post tonight or tomorrow, thank you for your patience. Just wanted to give you all an update and that I'm not...
  5. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom IC Thread

    “Basically. I didn’t choose them, they were chosen by people beyond my power. I don’t like what they have planned for the next world. Right now, two of them are in America, while another I have no idea where they are. As a matter of fact, one of them is incredibly well known, you’ve probably...
  6. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    Heyo! Have hit a bit of a mental slump lately, hence why haven't been posting. I'll get on a post tomorrow as soon as I'm able!
  7. an_awassi

    Other Writing tips that you heard when starting out that are actually terrible

    What are some writing tips you heard, whether it be from school or from others that end up doing more harm than good? One that I always heard was "Never say 'said'" Basically saying that you should never use the word said when having a character speak. This only ends up making things sound...
  8. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    There we go, post made... At 3am... I now sleep.
  9. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom IC Thread

    "I only have so much time to explain things." K explained, clasping their hands together. "But I'll do my best." In the mean time, Muu Shuwuu was busy staring at the photo they got. K took a deep breath, "Long ago, someone once said 'A world that loses its power will fade into nothingness. So it...
  10. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    I am so dumb, I forgot to read this and was waiting on you Will respond tonight!
  11. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    I've been well! Had a long weekend but now I got to go back to work
  12. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom IC Thread

    Hidden camera? Was that some human thing? Pranking people with a hidden camera? That sounds like a wonderful idea! She watched everyone’s reactions. Some of them clearly had no idea what was going on. However, others did seem to have a vague idea. That would make things much easier. But, first...
  13. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    I'll get a post out tomorrow or later tonight! TOday was a "no work/no stream" day and just wanted to take it easy. Loving everyone's posts! Hope I'm doing a good job as DM so far
  14. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    Very well
  15. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom IC Thread

    The room they walked into looked remarkably normal to where they first arrived. It was a large room with a carpeted floor and a large office desk. Behind the desk was a wall sized window; judging from the outside, it appeared they were still on Earth and at sea level. The whole place appeared to...
  16. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    Curious if you're gonna be posting Otherwise I'm gonna go ahead with the next post by tonight. Don't wanna rush you though Everyone fine with the current post order and roleplay speed?
  17. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    Ai ai! I'll get the post out when I wake tomorrow
  18. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    There we go! Sorry about that. Again, been a while since I've hosted an RP session like this, so I forgot about things like that.
  19. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    Ah! I'll get on that! Sorry
  20. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    And posted Fun fact, Emmett is the sole reason I set this in the future. Also I love music references, Michael's nickname plus the cult name are references to musician Iron & Wine. Expect more music references in the future.