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  1. an_awassi

    Multiple Settings Looking for someone to help me get back into the RP scene

    Hello, I'm Awassi, part time writer and part time twitch streamer Years ago, I was way into RP, mostly on message boards, and I miss doing it, so here I am I mostly RP with my OCs in a general non-fandom setting but would be down for some fandom stuff As for fandom stuff, would love to do a...
  2. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    There we go Tried my best to give as much info about them as I could without spoiling anything. They won't be joining on the travels too much. More of a mission control thing + the addition of Muu Shuwuu being the "mischievous exposition fairy"
  3. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom Character Sheets

    Name: "K" Age: ??? Primary Demon Partner: Muu Shuwuu Skill Potential: ??? Bio: A mysterious person who serves as a navigator or rather, a greeter, to the world of Sephirot. Spacey and sleepy, they don't seem like the type of person to have vested interest in the Vortex World, or have any...
  4. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    Sorry I took so long to respond! Character sheet looks good! Fun fact: I've made character sheets for the 3 main villains (each of them being Law, Neutral, and Chaos). Won't be posting them until they're given a proper introduction. Edit: Also, story is set a non-specific number of years in the...
  5. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    I'll be giving people til Sunday to submit. I think that's a fair enough time Asparas sounds like a good choice! Could use a healer on the team. Yeah, I think some people were hesitant to post CS because they wanted to wait for others to post theirs, just so they'd have a point of reference.
  6. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    Ah yes, Demon Paul Eiding Sadly don't know if I'll find a place to put him, but I'll try!
  7. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    OOoooh I love the idea of bringing people in who are somewhat aware or completely aware of the inner workings of the world! Love both of these! Gonna finally get to work on a character sheet of my own. Can't go into too much detail on them, because [Spoilers] but I should at least show the guy...
  8. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    Think I went with demons will having different skills and affinities than you
  9. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    I figured it'd be just the latest game plus gun. The only other elements that would be left out, as far as I know, would be Psi, Nuke, and Earth.
  10. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    I have a major weakness for Tokusatsu references, so you're really playing to that! Love the character sheet! Everything looks good to me! On another note, I'm thinking of having the invites have the ability to take people somewhere, rather than the person physically going to that location...
  11. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    Huh, didn't think about that. Think gun skills are a-okay. Weird how SMT III and V straight up don't have them As for your partner, Fenrir is a bit high level to start out with, but I love the idea of them being a late game addition Also I am back! From work and a nap. I think tonight I'll put...
  12. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    By the way, I'm at work right now, but I'll catch up with the thread when I'm home
  13. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    Scholar is probably my favorite, only because someone of an academic background could be very helpful. But also I love Thoth.
  14. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    You can join, no worries! As for when we'll start, how about see if we can start in a week, perhaps? Think that's enough time for me to prepare and everyone to make their characters
  15. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    That works for me!
  16. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    As in a total amount? Since we're just starting out, I say +1 in 2 stats and -1 in 1 other stat ...I haven't thought that far ahead, sorry! Got it! It is an invitation to a physical place.
  17. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom Character Sheets

    Also do you think I should submit the bios on a few of the NPCs, as well as the antagonists you're gonna be up against, or do you want to be surprised as they're introduced?
  18. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread

    Yeah, even if we won't be using "levels" in this, I say the initial partners should be demons found around the 1-20 range. Not the strongest selection but gonna start somewhere. Cu Sith, Spring-Heeled Jack, and Angel/Archangel sounds great!
  19. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread There we go
  20. an_awassi

    Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom Character Sheets

    The character sheet thread for Fandom - Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread Template Name: Age: Initial Partner: Skill Potential: Physical description: Bio: