Search results for query: *

  1. Northe

    Multiple Settings Fantasy & Sci-Fi 1x1 Ideas.

    Hello! I am Northe! Before I get into the settings and ideas I have, I’ll introduce myself a little first. -I’m still in school, so take that what you will. Once classes start again after summer, I won’t have as much free time, but I’ll do my best to make sure it won’t hold anything up. -I...
  2. Northe

    Fantasy THE LOST CITY (IC)

    This looks interesting! Are you still still accepting?
  3. Northe

    Multiple Settings oooooh you wanna check this int check as well ooo (original RPs)

    Interested? I’ll be takin’ a week long break here, but I’d be interested to figure somethin out.
  4. Northe

    Realistic or Modern CLOSED

    Interested if this ever comes back
  5. Northe

    Futuristic A M N E S I A — an interest check

    Looks really cool! Possibly interested
  6. Northe

    Fantasy Looking for something to do

    Cool! Just a heads up, I’ll be gone this coming week. We can try and figure something out before, or I’ll get back to you when I’m back!
  7. Northe

    Fantasy Looking for something to do

    Hello, I’m Northe I’ve been roleplaying for a couple of years, but please be patient with me if I do something wrong. I’m hopefully looking for a roleplay that isn’t going to depend entirely on romance. Y’know, just some friends going on adventures together, or something. I’m just not much of...
  8. Northe

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello, I’m Northe (as in the direction north but with an e). I’ve been roleplaying for some time, but I wouldn’t really consider myself experienced. I was looking for a new place to roleplay and hopefully get some more experience. I mostly enjoy fantasy, but I wouldn’t mind trying to branch out...