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  1. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    "Aye. I must keep a keen eye on him. We have too few numbers to have another to be unable." Gathrea replied back to Starfall. "My name is Praetor Gathrea." The forest green drake dipped his head at Starfall before studying his features. The drake gave him a questioning look. "You remind me of a...
  2. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    The elf ran as fast as he could from the fight. Trees ablaze all around him, sucking precious oxygen from the air. His lungs are on fire from the dry heat, but he must keep running. Alas, his fate will be the same as that of his friends. A branch cracked from its dead trunk. With a thunderous...
  3. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    Upon witnessing Starfall's maneuver, the white and golden dragoness seized his lower leg in her jaws, determined to break his scales. She used all her limbs to kick and push him away, but his size and strength were overwhelming. Yet, she remained resolute, prepared to face whatever fate awaited...
  4. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    The white and golden dragoness eyes widened at her second failed offence. Her gold fire did not harm her opponent. Good. At least she has control over something. Seeing her foe charge her side, she attempted to fly away before she could be hit. Just before she could flare her wings, the brawny...
  5. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    The white and gold dragoness landed hard into the sandstone, cracking the ground. Under the stress of the failed crushing attack, her back legs gave way underneath the force, causing her to stumble. She snapped towards her opponent to unleash gold and white fire at her opponent to cover up her...
  6. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    Starfall's warning fell on deaf ears. The white and gold dragon responded with a chilling blank face, a stark contrast to the impending danger. The words kept playing through her head, over and over again. Words that drilled into her mind anytime she thought otherwise. The white and gold dragon...
  7. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    Gathrea was taken aback by a sudden force that sent him tumbling to his seat, causing him to drop his weapon as he outstretched his hands to break his fall. He quickly raised his head to assess the situation, anticipating an attack, but found Valadir staring at him instead. A moment ago, Valadir...
  8. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    "All enemies are prey. Consuming their flesh shows they are nothing more than a hunt. It is an insult to their death." Gathrea has been trained and forged to leave no mercy for the enemy, directly contradicting Starfall's ideology. "But their bodies are foul and distasteful. Not even a good...
  9. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    Date: 14th July, 11:30pm With each wing trapped within the claws of two dragons. The wyvern had no choice but to plummet to the ground. It kept a firm grip on Valadir's leg, trying to do as much damage as possible. The bones broke in its wings with an audible snap when the dragons sank their...
  10. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    Jura's eyes snapped open, and erupted into a coughing fit. Her body trembled. Her nose filled with a pungent smell. Blood started slowly dripping out. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Vision blurred. "Star... Ashe... I need to...." Her words are weak. Only able to muster fractured...
  11. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    "Of course we can. Better yet, when we find him. We can bring him with us." Crystal softly replied to Valadir. However, it wasn't a promise. --- Crystal caught Ganjiro’s sword with her staff. Its razor edge couldn’t slice through her enchanted weapon. They locked in place, staring into each...
  12. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    As Ashe drew her arrow and aimed its burning tip, Jura braced herself for the light show. Closing her inner eyelids to pull half of the sudden light away from the fiery explosion. It stood out like a beacon in the night. The intense heat did not affect her, as for Ashe. She pulled one of her...
  13. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    "Those bachelors seemed to be preoccupied with staying alive as well. But yes, some options are available. At least I'm not stuck with Starfall. That would have been a desperate move. Not that he's capable of courtship. I feel he's not for me." Jura told Ashe about possibly starting a family...
  14. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    Ganjiro crashed onto the ground with the dead drake under his nycon wolf’s paws. He caught the scouting drake in midair. Completely unaware of his presence, Ganjiro immediately took the opportunity to kill the beast. It was dead within a second. “It’s always satisfying killing one of them...
  15. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    ”You’re right.” Crystal responded to Blade, regarding his necklace. Just as Crystal finished healing Jura’s wings, she held her hand out, and Blade’s necklace appeared. The centrepiece is nearly the size of her head, and the chain dropped to the ground, showing the size difference between the...
  16. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    Jura looked at Blade briefly when he reminded her of their earlier conversation about some of his colleagues. She eyed Crystal down as Ashe spoke to the kitsune. She looks smaller and slender than Ashe but those eyes. Something about them tells the dragon this many-tailed creature has...
  17. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    “My brother. What? Crystal, you had a sibling?” Crystal cracked a joke, but her tone was solemn. “Yes, I did. Most assume I’m an only child because it was a very long time ago.” She chuckled, realising how the conversation had shifted. “You must be intrigued now. Well, the story goes like...
  18. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    “I’ve seen a few lose their souls. One who was very, very close to me.” Crystal spoke with a sombre tone, remembering who she knew long ago. “It’s heartbreaking, to say the least. It’s like a sickness that slowly but surely envelopes them. It makes them go mad. If I see it coming, I will not...
  19. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    Crystal’s tails twitched when Valadir talked down about Valadir. She has spoken to Valadir about the topic, so she kept her mouth shut against her will to speak and stopped herself to cause an argument about the relationship between Eragon and Valadir. She said to Valadir, “I don’t know. It...
  20. Klader

    Fantasy Broken Balance

    -- Two days earlier -- “Your view is reasonable to assume, coming from your background, Celestina. However, there is nothing Castrock can do against the Infesters besides sail to a new land over the great seas. Yet, we do not possess a ship of that calibre to tackle such a feat. Furthermore, we...