Also interested if you’re still taking people on! Ive got years of experience with general roleplay but never actually played a real campaign with dice an all. (Though I do have a set of dice)
Hello one and all! I’m Novafire! I’m in search of some brave soul who’s willing to put up with my wall-like posts. But first, a bit about myself.
-I’m 26, so 18+ Is pretty much all I’m looking for. It’s not anything against younger role players but I am looking for more mature writers. I’ve...
Hello one and all! I’m Novafire! I’m in search of some brave soul who’s willing to put up with my wall-like posts. But first, a bit about myself.
-I’m 25, so 18+ Is pretty much all I’m looking for. It’s not anything against younger role players but I am looking for more mature writers. I’ve...
Hello all! Blight of Eileynn: Wings of Valor is looking for a new member to join our ranks. Unfortunately we have lost a member and we are looking for a replacement. With a fire in our bellies and a dragon's song in our hearts, I bring you guys to the land of Eileynn. Strap your boots up, secure...
Qoxo didn’t sleep the remainder of the night and morning, her eyes unfocused as she stared at the slime and waste covered floor of her cell. The musty scent of rot hung in the air, the midday sun heating the interior of the dungeon, making the putrid air humid and heavy. A rat scurried across...
(If you’re still accepting, I’d like to throw my helmet into the ring!)
Character name: Ghellar Torthall
Character Race: Dragonborn
Character Class: Fighter
The reason why they joined the Siren Slayers: Ghellar isn’t motivated by much, but gold is more than enough to pull him from the...
Qoxo swung there by her tail, her eyes watching the shadow covered egg that she held at her side. What in the world was this? Its shell was smooth as glass underneath it’s shadowy veil, tendrils of darkness enveloping her hand, wrapping around her fingers with a semi-solid grip. Warmth...
Here is the official roleplay thread so you can get a feel of where we are!
As for light dragons they vary. Some have smaller wings, other larger. It’s honestly a loose description to give others an idea to...
Hi there! This is an interest check for anyone wanting to be the final member of our 10 person group rp with riders and dragons! We have unfortunately had a spot open up and we are looking for a replacement.
we are not too far along in the story as of now so we are willing to bring one more...
Deep within the Southern market of the Middle Stack in a dusty old tavern called the Twisted Cellar, a crowd of various races gathering around a makeshift pit in the floor. It was here that many from the various layers of the Stacks came to watch and bet on creature fights. Sometimes it was only...
Just a reminder for all who are still interested, our positions are filling up fast! Be sure to check the availability of races before sending your sheets in!
we intend to cap this roleplay at 10 people, so we have four spots left! If you app has not been approved yet please hold tight as we...
We'll be open for apps for a bit! So no rush! We won't be starting until we fill all 10 spots (fingers are totally crossed for a dope Dwarf), or we have a decent amount of people to have some fun!
I hope your headache/migraine feels better!
The official thread is up now to show you all the set up of the roleplay. No need to post any replies yet as we are still waiting for more members
woop woop