Search results for query: *

  1. Theyung01

    Multiple Settings The Originals

    I've been up all night, I didn't even notice lmao. Hhmm.. check dm's then.
  2. Theyung01

    Multiple Settings The Originals

    I would love to rp with you. I saw read that you aren't active here, so pm me?
  3. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love OOC

    Yes have fun~
  4. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love IC

    Jayden Lanchia Location:Elizabeth's room> First class> Second class / Interaction: Elizabeth @Deadly Darkness A small smile crept on his face as she took his hand and pulled him into her room with her, he held her hand softly feeling the warm of her skin against him and he honestly didn’t...
  5. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love OOC

  6. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love OOC

    Welcome back bby! <3
  7. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love OOC

    What you mean? Ofc it will
  8. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love OOC

    I always write in word first
  9. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love OOC

    Lmao yeah
  10. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love OOC

    I'm free!
  11. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love IC

    Jayden Lanchia Location:Girls dorm / Interaction: Elizabeth @Deadly Darkness As the words “I’m oke, really.” came out of her mouth he felt relieved a small weight was lifted off of his shoulders, the worried look on his face disappeared, but he was still worried about her. They now had a...
  12. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love OOC

    Oke oke, yeah whatever it's called I get what you mean. I think it's manager? If anybody else has the correct answer pls correct me xD
  13. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love OOC

    Oh shit, heey that's pretty good. I like how you used Hange appearance to teach humanities :p I still need to make my character for le bar, what are my positions? Was I only bouncer?
  14. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love OOC

    Just give it some time and it will be fine. Once we get it going, it's easier for people to join and stuff. Oh everybody going to the same class now?
  15. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love IC

    Jayden Lanchia Location:His room / Interaction: Elizabeth @Deadly Darkness Jayden was quite pleased when she took his hand, and that she didn’t back out last minute. He stayed silent as she said her part, his eyes focused on her, he knew she was about to feel pain but maybe there was...
  16. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love OOC

    Drink some coffee (:
  17. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love OOC

    You can just say you prefer girls over boys
  18. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love OOC

    <3 <3 <3
  19. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love OOC

  20. Theyung01

    Fantasy Monster Love OOC

    That's a pretty good idea ;o