Hello, friends. To those of you who do know me, I'm Wonderblue, and I've been... well, on a random hiatus for a while now. I've returned with a new quest, and I intend to complete it.
I'm looking for ideas for a RPG. If I get at least a basic concept of a story, I can build up the world around...
@SparklyMittens has replied, but the other two have not.
I'll gladly take you both in, @kevintheradioguy @Rheynn
Send me a message and we can start working on your characters. Everything is fair game as of right now.
On soft feet, by none detected.
[ Karma Rider - Tamer - TBD ]
Karma was back and ready to rumble. He'd had to pack up and abandon his former locale after a close encounter with a bounty hunter and sword poised at his throat. He'd thought he was the baddest cat in the area, but he was proven...
Locale: Main hall, gawking at the dorms list still like an idiot
Mentions: @Clockwork Syringe
The youth made a sudden stammer and his face somehow became more red when he got an answer. Eris had meant that mostly as a rhetorical question, but now he was meeting someone new. The halfling...
When the youth spotted the dorms list, his curiosity brought him over to peer at the dorm's list. Eris squinted at the names before his eyes lit up recognizing the first part of his new friend's name. Relief washed over him like a dark wave. He wouldn't have to remake any friends. Now he could...
Apologies for the delay.
I'd say a shaky yes, though I'm rather open to suggestions.
On another site, this RPG is going and we have everything from dinosaurs running around to rich folk escaping in spaceships.